Why so many indy games fail.

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Why so many indy games fail.

Post by avansc »

sorry if this is not suppose to be posted here.

i wrote this to JForce on youtube.

"i did watch ep8. there is no way you are just going to pick up XNA, and suddenly make the best indy game. im sorry its just not gonna happen. if you had said this 15 years ago, when gaming was in its infancy, yeah, then i would have been more optimistic. could you list 5 reasons why you will be succesful. and not reasons like we rock. reasons like, well person X has a masters in CSC. and person y has givent us $20000. we got a artist that worked on a triple A title that actually shipped."

this is a response to me on you tube by JForce.

1. great graphics (Jordan has proven this despite his spriting inexperience)
2. great marketing campaign
3. simplicity of XNA
4. Jonny's innate programming mind (he continues to have the highest grade in his CS courses at college, he also won programming Battleship AI competition his freshmen year)
5. we rock

now i dont know if he was trying to be sarcastic or just spite me, but these are the kinda answers that indicate that they have no idea what they are into.
responses i wont give them, but should be noted.
1. great graphics makes for great screen shots. today it is to often to see a gorgeos game, that just blows. gorgeous game play is what you need.
2. how can it be great. if i didnt watch that B grade video i wouldent know who you were, and if i go up to 100 people and say," hey, JForce is making this sweet game" 99 would be like J who. and the one poor sod that actually watched it would probably shoot me for saying something like that.
3. ir really baffles me why you would even use XNA.
1. XNA is not portable.
2. using XNA for that game is like using bazooka when you only need a bow and arrow.
3. here is actually a tip id give them that would make the game more appealing. make the game isometric/3d, like a NWN. that would give your game some depth, and it will allso expand the possibilities. but i know why they wouldent do that. because they are not game programmers! and simply cant.
4. you think getting good grades in college is an indicator of a great programmer. wow. he knows how to use cos and sin, thats all he has illustrated in those games.
5. evidently.
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Re: Why so many indy games fail.

Post by M_D_K »

I think they went with XNA because they think that if its on Xbox360 it will sell regardless of the game itself.
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Re: Why so many indy games fail.

Post by avansc »

M_D_K wrote:I think they went with XNA because they think that if its on Xbox360 it will sell regardless of the game itself.
that may be true, but im not sure how much money you would have to fork over to microsoft.
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Re: Why so many indy games fail.

Post by cronjob00 »

i think microsoft takes like 20 or 30 percent if I remember right.
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