M_D_K wrote:Ok your completly right o great one
I don't know if I want to make the particles adhere to each other cause right now there is this really cool fluidity going on.
It just looks cool
I also rewrote how my force controllers handle input. I gave them a manager which looks after all force controllers and updates them on position and radius based on input.
The way I was doing it before the mouse kept losing focus on the controller if you moved it too fast
i wrote a InputHandler class that does all that for me. like if the mouse button clicks is sees what force its in, then if the mouse button stays down, the force xy will allways be updated with the mouse xy. then once the mouse button is release it looses focus. i also made it so that if the mouse moves over a force it changes color indicating that you can select it. and lastly i made a way with my right click to make the force bigger. you can no make the force bigger by just moving the mouse over the force perimiter, so then its the same with click and drag, exept that the force does not move but the radius does.
i also added 3 new forces an 2 area object
i added the attraction force.
i added a accelerate force, ie just make the particles go faster what ever way that are going.
i added a decelerate force.
and i added a teleport area. (its a two areas and if the particles hits one it teleports to the area)
and i added a charge-flip: if a particle goes through it the polarity changes and it does opposite of whatever the force is. (i think i might take this out, its really hard making a level where it actually works nice.)
im done with this project for now. i'm going to port it to pure OpenGL and use some shaders. and make a demo version available,
and if there is enough interest i'll keep activly developing it into a complete game with levels menus, and junk like that.
i was surprized how much fun i had doing this project, best 3 days i have spent in a long time.