Hellz yes!

Random irrelevance that just didn't fit into other forums. Talk about anything.

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Falco Girgis
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Hellz yes!

Post by Falco Girgis »

Check this out. New forum. No popups, no adds. Just pure Chaos Rift glory (with the exception of occassional mentionings of phpBB). What do you guys think? Man, I don't know crap about PHP so I better learn that.

Today was my last day of school. Gawd, I'm so happy to get that crap over with. Ima be finishing my reviewing program so look forward to THOUSANDS of new reviews. So much stuff to do. I just upgraded the server so tons of crap may or may not work. I went from Windows to Unix hosting. Gotta get used to it....mmmmm...Chmod!

New game reviewing program!

Post by Guest »

Due to the undeniable fact that I am a lazy fatass, this new game reviewing program will be the best thing that will have happened to me since Slim-Fasts! :lol: Now, there might be a possibility of me helping... (Don't get your hopes up) Oh, and by the way, cool new forum. Well, gotto go eat, bye people!
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Post by COAL »

Fawkin' awesome new forum! Super Sonic kicks sooo much ass! He works his ass off raw on this website.
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Post by Showdin »

Yo Yo Showdin is in da hood.Ok one thing you should know before you start visiting this site frequently RAP SUCKS BALLS! OK now that that is over with allow me to introduce myself.I am showdin.Showdin is I.I am a semi lazy nobody which eats a ton but skates it off.Uhh I guess I am kinda workin on a pretty big project right now.I have no estimation when it will be done because I hate due dates with all of the pressure and stuff.Uhh I guess that pretty much sums it up. Well If I think of something else to say I will come back and say it. Oh yes just one more thing, SLICK WILLY YOU ARE WELCOME BACK IF YOU ARE STILL OUT THERE!
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Post by Wraith »

Going back to Super Sonics original post i would like to say that today was my last day of school, Idont have to take a single exam, Ha, ha, ha.
You may say I'm a dreamer/ But I'm not the only one/ I hope someday you will join us and the world will live as one.
-Imagine, John Lennon
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Post by Showdin »

Hey what about that one new thing that you invented ( supersonic ) that let's you put up stuff on the site with the click of a mouse? I need to try it out sometime.
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Marx Chaotix
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

Wow I am posting on the first topic ever made in general off topic on the cha

Post by Xylene »

You can stop bumping old topics now.