That's a 16bit version of an x86 assembly function call which checks for stack allocations over 4k. (Such as entry points to functions).
This basically amounts to the fact that SDL or another lib was built against a different target than what you're attempting to link it under.
This is probably due to usage of managed code built under an unmanaged code environment, or vise versa.
It was especially a problem with the migration of code built under VC6 to .NET compliant compilers (VS2003+).
I'd look first to make sure that you aren't ignoring the default C libs.
ProjectSettings->Linker->Input: be sure that "Ignore all Default Libs:" is set to "no"
If this does not work you may have to include libc (single threaded std c lib) or libcmt(same, except multithreaded) explicitly or they may have been removed from project settings. So you can add them directly to the project for input linkage or do it in code w/ the pragma directive. For debug versions append a 'd' to the lib name. If they're already added, you may have to "ignore specific library": ignore libc.lib and instead add libcp.lib explicitly.
Yeah, I would recommend the same, make sure all the headers and libs are in the correct folders in the compiler's directories (lib, bin, include, etc.)
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