Hello, I've been working on a similar program as Mysql server.
It's 10% done. The point of making ADBSQL is to have a completely fast database and to transfer data fast and secure.
Scripting feature:
ADBSQL databases extension are named .adb
All you need to do is create a new text file, rename it to .adb and finally, script what you want.
The console-based application offers you a way to add tables,classes and values without having to program.
Code: Select all
TABLE: (Tablename) // to add a new table
CLASS: (Tablename) (Class name) //To add a new class
ADDVALUE: (Tablename):(Classname) (Value)
SETVALUE: (Classname) (Value id) (Value)
More will be added soon. This is an open-source program. People can even give suggestion and program new codes for the application.
This is an example of one of my database file.
Code: Select all
TABLE: Accounts
CLASS: Accounts Username
CLASS: Accounts Password
CLASS: Accounts Email
ADDVALUE: Accounts:Username nobigdeal
ADDVALUE: Accounts:Password 123456
ADDVALUE: Accounts:Email no@hotmail.com
How to use the Files!
Put the ADBSQL Folder into your compiler - IDE include folder.
include ADBSQL.h in your program.
then, create a new ADBSQL.
Finally, load a db file using LoadDB(filename)
and to use the navigation menu. Use the Main() function.
Example of code:
Code: Select all
#include <ADBSQL.h>
int main()
return 0;
If you have any problems using this, please post below.
Good luck and have fun updating and using ADBSQL.
The development is still not done. Alot of new features are coming in less then a month.
Don't forget to post ideas below!