Career decisions...

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Career decisions...

Post by trufun202 »

So, I had my performance review at work today. I got an excellent review, but the company has made a decision... It's time for me to move forward and away from my Software Engineer role. :(

In the next month, I have to pick one of the following career paths:

Technology Manager - managing a team of developers. Deals directly with clients, project managers, and focuses mainly on delivery and the numbers.

Technology Strategist - involved in client pitches and new business wins. Finding the right technical solution to meet the client's needs.

Solution Architect - a consulting role on specific technologies and trends. Remains focused on a small number of technologies but with great depth.


In a way, I feel that I should head the Manager route, because I'm probably going to end up there eventually anyway... But on the other hand, I'm having way too much fun being a code monkey! Out of all of the roles above, Solution Architect probably evolves the most coding, but its SO specific...I wouldn't get to branch off into new and exciting things as I do now. And as for Strategist, the down side is that I'd code significantly less and have to leave my team. I'd be put in another department with a whole new set of bosses, co-workers, and clients.

Bottom line, I love being a code monkey and I'm gonna miss it. But then again, we've got some 50 year old programmers that scare the hell outta me.

ugh...responsibility, here I come. :nono:

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Re: Career decisions...

Post by deryni21 »

do you plan on staying in this company? it sounds like you are going to get locked in there honestly. I would say strategist but i don't know you very well ;)

Otherwise whats the pay for what you do now and the promotions?
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by eatcomics »

When I was reading your post I was thinking architect, that's what I would do, and it sounds like you would enjoy it too. But that's just my opinion and it is posiibly wrong, you will have to decide, come to the darkside, we have cookies :lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by Trask »

What about your jump to the gaming industry? Given that another thought?
MarauderIIC wrote:You know those people that are like "CHECK IT OUT I just made Linux run on this piece of celery [or other random object]!!"? Yeah, that's Falco, but with ES.
Dear god, they actually ported ES to a piece of celery!
Martin Golding wrote: "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by deryni21 »

yeah if coding is your thing don't give it up for more money at the time =(
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by LeonBlade »

Take one of the jobs then completely fail at it within the first 5 seconds of getting it, then you'll be able to go back!
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by trufun202 »

Trask wrote:What about your jump to the gaming industry? Given that another thought?
Dude, that's ALWAYS in the back of my mind - trust me. I haven't given up on Maruader's suggestion. ;)
deryni21 wrote:yeah if coding is your thing don't give it up for more money at the time =(
Naa, its not about the money. I make enough to support me and my wife, which is really all that matters to me. It's more about determining if I can really find passion in something thats not hands-on programming.

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Re: Career decisions...

Post by MarauderIIC »

I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by trufun202 »

:lol: I knew you were gonna say that. And I will. ;)

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Re: Career decisions...

Post by aamesxdavid »

Screw Blizzard. Okay, I only say that because I'm a WoW hater..

I guess it partly depends on your willingness to move also. Pi is pretty close to you, and they're looking for coders. And we gave them a gun-guitar-flamethrower as a gift recently, so they may let you play with that. :lol: (Seriously, we have pics of it, it's insane. And they're apparently wearing flame-retardant suits and shooting one another..)

That aside, when it comes down to it, just about every game studio needs coders. Check Gamasutra, GamDevMap, and look up jobs. I did that for about 3 months straight before I got my job. Granted, I got pretty lucky with timing and all, but as an engineer you'd have an easier time with it. No reason to just leave it as a dream. :)
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by Chaos Clown »

If it was me, I'd apply to a load of game developers, and see what turns up. Failing that, I'd pick manager, probably just cos I'd enjoy having a team to boss around and bitch at :lol: .

I'd never heard of Pi before, but apparently they've worked on some pretty big games (Mostly Call of Duty / Rock Band ports to last gen systems). And they have FLAMETHROWERS.

I hate WoW too, but blizzard would be a great opportunity, go for it!
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by programmerinprogress »

I hate the ear ache I get from people in my computing class talking about WoW and Guildwars... sheesh!

If programming is your passion, I would keep doing it, go for architect, but keep contacting those game studios!

I hope you come to the right decision for you ;)
I think I can program pretty well, it's my compiler that needs convincing!
And now a joke to lighten to mood :D

I wander what programming language anakin skywalker used to program C3-PO's AI back on tatooine? my guess is Jawa :P
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by KuramaYoko10 »

aamesxdavid wrote:Screw Blizzard. Okay, I only say that because I'm a WoW hater..
I hate WoW too and all its sick fans, but I love Diablo, so I can't hate Blizzard xD

Trufun, I think you should stick with your job now, think carefully about the options and choose one of them... then in the free time you keep looking for the jobs on game industry, and if something good appears you can start thinking about leaving your current job (if that is what you really want) ;)

I suggest and , they are great websites that are very updated with on the game industry:
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[b][color=#BF0000]MarauderIIC[/color][/b] wrote:"Never" is never true in programming.
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Re: Career decisions...

Post by trufun202 »

Thanks everybody, I appreciate the support!

The company I work for now is a DAMN good company. Its casual dress, you can bring your dog to work, we have game rooms, and its totally acceptable (and sometimes encouraged) to have an open beer on your desk. ...but I'm not making games, and that's my only struggle with the whole situation.

I'm still going to apply to Blizzard for sheer curiosity, but creating games in my spare time ain't so bad. ;)

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Re: Career decisions...

Post by sparda »

I mean, it's already hard to land a job with all the layoff occurring right now; can you imagine a break into the video game's industry? Hard. So I'd hold on to your job, if I were you. Just take the architect role, and keep programming. Later when the economy gets better, go games-company crazy, and pursue your goal (which is pretty much the same goal every one here has as well ;) )
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