Yes I know Horrible usage of a header file... and crappy...
Code: Select all
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include "main.h"
using namespace std;
void Shop();
void fight();
void SkillPoint();
void levelup();
void Items();
void Save();
void Load();
void Game();
void NewGame();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cout <<"1=Load \t 2=New Game" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 1)
if (choice == 2)
void fight()
cout << "Bat appeared!" << endl;
for (;BatHP >0;)
cout << BatHP <<"/" << OGBatHP <<"\nYour HP: "<< hp <<"/"<< fullhp <<"\nYour MP: "<<mp <<"/"<< fullmp << endl;
cout << "1=Attack 2=Power Hit 3=Stab 4=Item" << endl;
cin >> choice1;
if (choice1 == 1)
BatHP = BatHP - (BatDEF / 2 + atk);
cout << "Bat took " << +(BatDEF / 2 + atk)
<< " Damage" << endl;
if(BatHP <= 0)
cout << "***Bat Died!*** \n you gained " << (exp += exprate) <<"exp.\n you got 30 money" << endl;
exp += exprate;
money += 30;
OGBatHP += 50;
BatDEF += 10;
BatAtk += 10;
exprate += 10;
if(BatHP >= 0)
hp = hp - (def / 2 + BatAtk);
cout << "You took " << -(def / 2 + BatAtk)
<< " Damage" << endl;
else if ((choice1 == 2) && (Super > 0) && (mp >= 150))
mp -= 150;
cout <<"MP-150\nPower Hit!"<< endl;
BatHP = BatHP - (BatDEF / 2 + (atk * Super));
cout << "Bat took " << -(BatDEF / 2 - (atk * Super))
<< " Damage" << endl;
if(BatHP <= 0)
cout << "***Bat Died!*** \n you gained " << (exp += exprate) <<"exp.\n you got 30 money" << endl;
exp += exprate;
money += 30;
OGBatHP += 50;
BatDEF += 10;
BatAtk += 10;
exprate += 10;
if(BatHP >= 0)
hp = hp - (def / 2 + BatAtk);
cout << "You took " << -(def / 2 + BatAtk)
<< " Damage" << endl;
else if ((choice1 == 3) && (Stab > 0) && (mp >= 200))
mp -= 200;
cout <<"MP-200\nStab!!!"<< endl;
BatHP = BatHP - ((atk * Stab)/2);
cout << "Bat took " << (atk * Stab)/2
<< " Damage" << endl;
if(BatHP <= 0)
cout << "***Bat Died!*** \n you gained " << (exp += exprate) <<"exp.\n you got 30 money" << endl;
exp += exprate;
money += 30;
OGBatHP += 50;
BatDEF += 10;
BatAtk += 10;
exprate += 10;
if(BatHP >= 0)
hp = hp - (def / 2 + BatAtk);
cout << "You took " << -(def / 2 + BatAtk)
<< " Damage" << endl;
else if (choice1 == 4)
cout <<"No Can Do"<< endl;
if (hp <=0)
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
system("color 40");
void SkillPoint()
cout <<"HP Mastery=" << hpmastery << endl;
cout <<"MP Mastery=" << mpmastery << endl;
cout <<"Attack Mastery=" << atkmastery << endl;
cout <<"Defence Mastery=" << defmastery << endl;
cout <<"Skill Points=" << SP << endl;
cout <<"What would you like to upgrade?" << endl;
cout <<"1=HP Mastery \t 2=MP Mastery \t 3=Attack Mastery \t 4=Defence Mastery \n5=Power Hit \t 6=Stab" <<endl;
cin >> choice;
if ((choice == 1) && (SP > 0))
SP -= 1;
hpmastery += 5;
cout <<"HP Mastery Up!" << endl;
else if ((choice == 2) && (SP > 0))
SP -= 1;
mpmastery += 5;
cout <<"MP Mastery Up!" << endl;
else if ((choice == 3) && (SP > 0))
SP -= 1;
atkmastery += 10;
cout <<"Attack Mastery Up!" << endl;
else if ((choice == 4) && (SP > 0))
SP -= 1;
defmastery += 10;
cout <<"Defence Mastery Up!" << endl;
else if ((choice == 5) && (SP > 0) && (Super < 10))
SP -= 1;
Super += 1;
cout <<"Power Hit Up!"<< endl;
else if ((choice == 6) && (SP > 0) && (Stab < 10))
SP -= 1;
Stab += 1;
cout <<"Stab Up!"<< endl;
cout <<"No can do" << endl;
void levelup()
level ++;
fullhp += hpmastery;
fullmp += mpmastery;
hp = fullhp;
mp = fullmp;
atk += atkmastery;
def += defmastery;
SP += 3;
explevel *=2;
cout <<"Level Up!" << endl;
cout << hp <<"+" << hpmastery <<"=" <<hp + hpmastery <<" HP"<< endl;
cout << mp <<"+" << mpmastery <<"=" <<mp + mpmastery <<" MP"<< endl;
cout << atk <<"+" << atkmastery <<"=" <<atk + atkmastery <<" Attack"<< endl;
cout << def <<"+" << defmastery <<"=" <<def + defmastery <<" Defence"<< endl;
void Items()
cout <<"1= HP Potion " << HPpot <<" 2= MP Potion " << MPpot <<" 3= Back" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if ((choice == 1) && (HPpot > 0) && (hp <= fullhp))
HPpot --;
hp += 100;
cout <<"Healed 100 HP" <<endl;
else if ((choice == 2) && (MPpot > 0) && (mp <= fullmp))
MPpot --;
mp += 100;
cout <<"Healed 100 MP" <<endl;
else if (choice == 3)
cout <<"OK" << endl;
cout <<"No can do" << endl;
void Save()
ofstream save("DaveSata.dav");
save << fixed;
save << left;
save << name << endl;
save << level << endl;
save << money << endl;
save << exp << endl;
save << explevel << endl;
save << exprate << endl;
save << hp << endl;
save << mp << endl;
save << hpmastery << endl;
save << mpmastery << endl;
save << fullhp << endl;
save << fullmp << endl;
save << atk << endl;
save << def << endl;
save << atkmastery << endl;
save << defmastery << endl;
save << Super << endl;
save << Stab << endl;
save << HPpot << endl;
save << MPpot << endl;
save << BatHP << endl;
save << BatDEF << endl;
save << BatAtk << endl;
save << OGBatHP << endl;
cout <<"Game Saved!" << endl;
void Load()
ifstream load("DaveSata.dav");
load >> name;
load >> level;
load >> money;
load >> exp;
load >> explevel;
load >> exprate;
load >> hp;
load >> mp;
load >> hpmastery;
load >> mpmastery;
load >> fullhp;
load >> fullmp;
load >> atk;
load >> def;
load >> atkmastery;
load >> defmastery;
load >> Super;
load >> Stab;
load >> HPpot;
load >> MPpot;
load >> BatHP;
load >> BatDEF;
load >> BatAtk;
load >> OGBatHP;
cout <<"Game Loaded!" << endl;
void Game()
for(; hp > 0 ;)
cout <<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
cout << "Hi " << name << " how are you doing?" << endl;
cout <<"Level=" << level << endl;
cout <<"HP=" << hp <<"/"<< fullhp << "\t Attack=" << atk << endl;
cout <<"MP=" << mp <<"/"<< fullmp << "\t Defence=" << def << endl;
cout <<"Money=" << money << "\t EXP=" << exp <<"/"<<explevel<< endl;
cout <<"HP Mastery=" << hpmastery << endl;
cout <<"MP Mastery=" << mpmastery << endl;
cout <<"Attack Mastery=" << atkmastery << endl;
cout <<"Defence Mastery=" << defmastery << endl;
cout <<"1=Inn \t 2=Shop \t 3=Suicide" << endl <<
"4=Fight \t 5=Skills \t 6=Items" << endl <<
"7=Save" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if ((choice == 1) && (money >= 50))
hp = fullhp;
mp = fullmp;
money -= 50;
cout <<"Your HP and MP is Fully Restored" << endl;
else if (choice == 2)
else if (choice == 3)
cout <<"You stab yourself!" << endl;
while (hp>=0) {
cout << "HP:" << hp << "\n";
else if (choice == 4)
BatHP = OGBatHP;
else if (choice == 5)
else if (choice == 6)
else if (choice == 7)
cout << "Make another selection." << endl;
if (exp >= explevel)
if (hp <=0)
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
system("color 40");
void Shop()
int choice2;
cout <<"Hello welcome to the Shop \nWhat would you like?\n 1=Attack Up 100 money \t 2=Defence Up 100 money \n 3=HP Potion 50 money\t 4=MP Potion 50 money" << endl;
cin >> choice2;
if ((choice2 == 1) && (money >= 100))
atk += 10;
money -= 100;
cout <<"Attack + 10" << endl;
else if ((choice2 == 2) && (money >= 100))
def += 10;
money -= 100;
cout <<"Defence + 10" << endl;
else if ((choice2 == 3) && (money >= 50))
HPpot ++;
money -= 50;
cout <<"HP Potion +1" << endl;
else if ((choice2 == 4) && (money >= 50))
MPpot ++;
money -= 50;
cout <<"MP Potion +1" << endl;
cout <<"No can do" << endl;
void NewGame()
cout << "What is your name?" << endl;
cin >> name;
hp = 200,mp = 200,fullhp = 200, fullmp = 200, money = 100, choice , level = 1 ,hpmastery = 25,mpmastery = 25,atk = 50,def = 50,atkmastery = 10, defmastery = 10,SP = 0;
BatHP, BatDEF = 10, BatAtk = 10, choice1,OGBatHP = 100;
explevel = 100, exp = 0,exprate = 10;
Super = 0, Stab = 0;
HPpot = 0, MPpot = 0;
Code: Select all
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string name;
int hp ,mp,fullhp, fullmp, money, choice , level ,hpmastery,mpmastery,atk,def,atkmastery, defmastery,SP;
int BatHP, BatDEF, BatAtk, choice1,OGBatHP;
int explevel, exp,exprate;
int Super, Stab;
int HPpot, MPpot;