What programming language to start

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What programming language to start

Post by Heloo8 »


first of all thx for all the great information here, i've found this site through GyroVorbis' channel and it has really opened a new world of opportunities!
So let me explain a bit my situation, i'm a University student Civil Engineering - Elektro-sience. This study combines science with basic programming. So i've learned java in my first year, more the basics as well as some algorithms and stuff. In the second year we've now learn to program in C/C++ . I've learned arrays/ pointers/ classes/ inheritance / templates, datastructures, hashing etc.

Now i've watched GyroVorbis' videos and i agree that its better to start at the very basics than to be overambitious. So should i start with an easier programming language and learn from the beginning all over again, or should i continu in C++ ? It probably also depends on what kind of games i'd want to make in (faaaar ) future. So to answer this question, i like things with simple graphics, more text-based games or if possible i would like to make something like a management game fe. Football Manager or Pro Cycling Manager. (I'm not overambisous btw, I'm aware this will take years before i can even start programming this kind of game.. but you need to have some kind of goal right? ;) )

I've also found a nice book about Game Maker in my local libary which seems quite interesting. Is this a good start as well?

Anyway thx for helping me out. I know some guys must just think "Stop the talking and just get started with whatever you can find" but i like to have a more tactical approach. So what do you recommend: C++ /Game Maker/ SDL / OpenGL ? Remember, i've learned the basics but i'm not at all an expert in programming.

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Re: What programming language to start

Post by aerosmithfan4ever »

Do not go with Game Maker, and I really mean it!
You'd better go with c++, and you could combine it later with SDL for 2D or OpenGL for 3D rendering( note: SDL and OpenGL aren't programming languages like c++, they are just graphic libraries ). ;)
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Re: What programming language to start

Post by dandymcgee »

If you've already got your feet wet in C++, and it doesn't seem to awfully overwhelming, my recommendation would be just go with it. Start out with some simple console text-based stuff and work your way towards SDL then OpenGL. I doubt you'll gain anything by backtracking, as long as you have the basic concepts of programming down (do you know what a variable is? a function? a pointer?). Easiest way to tell is think of something little as a console programming goal, and get to work. If you need help ask. Only then, if you find yourself completely overwhelmed, should you consider going back to something as simple as Game Maker.

I wish you the best of luck, and please ask for help with whatever you need. ;)
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Re: What programming language to start

Post by hurstshifter »

It sounds like you've already covered a lot of the C++ basics at your University, why stop now? There are definitely many languages to choose from but C++ is certainly one of if not the, strongest of them all. Once you feel comfortable with your straight C/C++ try applying that to a library of your choice. SDL and Allegro are two great choices.
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Re: What programming language to start

Post by aamesxdavid »

Heloo8 wrote:So should i start with an easier programming language and learn from the beginning all over again, or should i continu in C++ ?

If you already understand basic programming concepts, functions, classes, etc., stick with C++ - no question. Pretty much anything else would be a waste of your time going over stuff you already know.
Heloo8 wrote:It probably also depends on what kind of games i'd want to make in (faaaar ) future.
It actually depends more on how you plan on going about doing it. Are you planning on writing your own engine? Using a pre-built engine? Different engines will use different languages to control it. Basically, the type of game you want to make will give you options for an engine, which will in turn tell you what language you most need. C++ is probably the most supported language for any engine.
Heloo8 wrote:I've also found a nice book about Game Maker in my local libary which seems quite interesting. Is this a good start as well?
No sense pretending I'm not an elitist snob here: not really, if you want to do real things. It's all about understanding the audience, and that's more for people who don't know how to program; an introductory type thing. You seem in a better position to do real game programming.

My suggestion would be to keep at C++, and SDL/OpenGL, maybe DirectX, depending on what you're going for. If you're doing 3D, there are great engines available here: http://www.devmaster.net/engines/
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Re: What programming language to start

Post by Heloo8 »

Ok thx you guys for all the (fast!) replies and advices ;)

I was just doubting whether it wouldnt be too difficult to implement graphics. But if i understand correctly, i dont need to start these things from ground up if i use a Game Libary (like SDL?) that can be used with C++? So i should just make some applications that dont require the Game Libary (like text-based games) and then when i'm ready move ahead with more complicated games that include graphics? (This is more like a summary of what you guys told me ;) so correct me if i misunderstood something).

One more question.. i've always used Microsoft Visual C++ 2008. Should i continu to use this program (i can use it for free as a student)? And another (stupid :( ) question related to this, how can i test a program with cmd ?

@ aamesxdavid : i guess i'm going for the Multi Purpose Language and use a game libary since i dont want to write my own engine, but still want to be able to take different paths later on. So C++ together with SDL is what i should use?
Last edited by Heloo8 on Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What programming language to start

Post by silverhawk11 »

If you watched GyroVorbis's "HowTo Game Development" videos, you'll have your answers for you ;-). Basically, before you go on jumping into any form of graphics, you'll want to have a basic understanding of your language. From my understanding, you'll be sticking with C++, and there are plenty of online tutorials, and books for it. Your college seemed to cover a lot of Gyro's pre-requisites before graphic development, but that still doesn't mean you have a good understanding. If you are having trouble using the command prompt to run your program, then you probably want to stay away from SDL and the like for right now.

There is a post in this section that gives you quite a bit of resources for C++ programming, and with your college experience you more than likely have some basic knowledge of the language, and it shouldn't be that hard to pick up.

http://elysianshadows.com/phpBB3/viewto ... ?f=6&t=148 // direct link to the resources/guides

And yes, you will want to use Visual C++ 2008. My guess is you have a DreamSpark account and got the professional version for free, and even if you didn't there is always the express versions if need-be. You'll want to get into SDL or Allegro when you are SURE that you have a basic understanding of C++.

Hope that helped a little bit, I understand there was a lot of repetitiveness, but that's the only way to brainwash you to have you understand LEARN YOUR LANGUAGE FIRST, then go into graphical programming.

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Re: What programming language to start

Post by dandymcgee »

Now THAT is a worthy first post. Welcome to the forums silverhawk! 8-)
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Re: What programming language to start

Post by Heloo8 »

Thx Cameron you've made a correct analysis, although they taught me more than just the basics of C/C++, it doesnt mean i acctually master those basics. So i'll first have to learn C++ a bit better before i go to use SDL. Anyway, i've got my exam about C++ in 2 weeks so i have no other choice then to dive in those books a bit first :mrgreen:

I guess this concludes this topic, unless somebody really has something very important to add. Thx all :bow:
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