Since I haven't shown any of my work, and Xeno gave me the idea of uploading it to skydrive (it was on Diino but the account was too old) I decided to post this...
And since this is my first game ever, I decided to post it here.
So, Hello World!
This was my first attempt at game programming ... |_Game.exe
What? a paddle clone (Not a full game though, I started writing a different game with the framework with intent to use "save as" but instead I used "save" and... well FUCK THIS)
How? C++ with DirectX
Is the text from sprites? No, it's DxFont.
Why is the text stupid? just cos...
Move with the arrow keys, space key for special ability.
There are 3 levels in this game, in each you get a different... umm.... special "overpowered ability".
First level:
The ball follows a certain path, the paddle is only there to save it from falling.
The space key is a surprise in this one...
Second level:
The ball follows a certain path, press space to move the ball to the paddle, hold space and release while moving in the desired direction to direct the ball that way.
Third level:
The ball hits the paddle, then the ball is directed to the direction the paddle was moving before impact.
If the paddle wasn't moving, the ball will move as in 2D physics (all vectors to the opposite direction).
I honestly don't remember the space key do anything in this level.
*The game comes as an .exe installation file, I used Qsetup to make the installation.
*If you don't have Visual C++ 2008 installed, the Free Redistributable will be installed on your machine right after you finish the game's installation. (do not start the game right after installation, even if you don't want to install the redist, the game won't start)
*if it say something about your keyboard or any other input devices while you try to start the game, ignore it and start the game again.
*I used the the infamous _Itoa_ function to convert score into text displayed on the screen
Gonna upload some more old stuff here ... ublic?uc=1
Feel free to browse my amazing artworks