Nerdy Goals In Life

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Re: Nerdy Goals In Life

Post by Arce »

My goal: Drexel University. It's a great engineering school, and as Falco brought up, it isn't MIT :lol:
They made quite an appearance at Intel's ISEF. I think they gave out 10 awards of 150k in scholarship.
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Re: Nerdy Goals In Life

Post by RyanPridgeon »

programmerinprogress wrote: I can't confirm that, mainly because I didn't want to go to some snobby institution, my friends told me this , I wanted to go somewhere where I would be comfortable and have enough time to get on with my side-projects, as it turns out, my university got university of the year 2009, this didn't happen until after I was accepted, so it was a nice surprise.
Out of interest, which university are you at?


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Re: Nerdy Goals In Life

Post by aamesxdavid »

Ginto8 wrote:My goal: Drexel University. It's a great engineering school, and as Falco brought up, it isn't MIT :lol:
Worse - it's in Philly.

I had a girlfriend who went there, so I got to hear about all the stabbings/shootings that happened. And I already hated Philly as it was.

The best part, though: over a year after we broke up, I found out she ended up stabbing someone at a party. Easily one of the funniest days of my life.

...that makes it sound like I have a really fucked up sense of humor. Oh, I guess I do.

I can't really say anything bad about MIT. The two founders of the company I work for went there. And they're fucking awesome.
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Re: Nerdy Goals In Life

Post by Svendy »

i as well wanted to go to MIT, then i found out it would blow a big hole in my bank account. so i'm aiming for Aalborg University or the IT University and get a candidate in CS and plausibly a bachelor in maths.
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Re: Nerdy Goals In Life

Post by Trask »

I always wanted to go to Carnegie Mellon, but alas my HS grades were never up to snuff to even attempt to apply. Our class valedictorian, I knew him since 1st grade, and this guy would for go many opportunities of having a life outside of books, the guy weeped at getting less that a 98% in a class and never missed a day of school and he ALMOST didn't make it in despite being full of academic win.

It's a shame, such a great school and it's real close to home, oh well.
MarauderIIC wrote:You know those people that are like "CHECK IT OUT I just made Linux run on this piece of celery [or other random object]!!"? Yeah, that's Falco, but with ES.
Dear god, they actually ported ES to a piece of celery!
Martin Golding wrote: "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
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