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Post by Guest »

It doesn't matter, you should have used "distance formula" in the first place, that was what was really needed. Not some lesson on how the Pythagorean Theorem would corralate to the distance formula. I'm in advanced geometry, I think I know my theorems.
Was I talking to you when I gave the damn lesson? I Don't think so, so back off. :asshole: :fuq:
Last edited by Guest on Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Arce, you really choose your friends wisely. :roll:

I can't believe that you're getting up in JSL's grill. Also, DJ Yoshi happens to be a close personal friend. I don't believe he deserved anywhere near the bashing you gave. I'm sure he'll retaliate and you'll be crying.

Post by Guest »

Funny, I don't recall "choosing" anybody.

Think I care if he retaliates? I've never read one of his posts, and didn't even know he was on the forumz. Then he waltzes his ass in here and says I'm wronge. He can go fuck himself for all I care. From what I hear, he deserves more bashing than what I gave.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

No, he never said you were wronge, which I'm assuming is a type or brand of sponge.

Post by Guest »

You're an ass. :|

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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Arce wrote:You're an ass. :|

God declared me as an ass when I was made. It can't be helped. See, look:

Code: Select all

#define ASS 132

//create the puny mortals.
people person[99999999];

strcpy("Falco", person[23].name);
person[23].age = 15;
person[23].height = 67;
//Yes, I god do not use the metric system.
person[23].personality = ASS;
person[23].emo = false;
person[23].id = 1337;
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

Dude, Arce, I've finished Precal. I just see the 'Pythagorean theorem' (or as we people who are out of 8th grade math call it, the distance formula. Dumbass) as a decent way to go about it. But next time, get your terms right before you start bashing people. Just because you feel badass touting your new "l33t" 8th grade math skills doesn't mean it's so. Besides that, I at least know a REAL programming I'd be wiser next time in who you tell to 'shut the fuck up' and who you call an asshole. Especially since you're some little kid who thinks he's all badass because he can do squares.

What's next, are you going to tell me you just learned what Trigonometry is? Oh, wait, that's beyond you. Next time, instead of 'pwning' me and showing me 3rd grade math skills, why don't you do something useful, like learn to program. Because you obviously haven't gotten that part down yet. Once you get that, and you 'pwn' me with your math 'skills', I'll concede that you're not a TOTAL fucking idiot.

Until then, go change your diaper, and stop your bitchy tantrums. Seriously, it's getting annoying when every thread you're in you use 5000 emoticons, shitty english, and assloads of poorly executed cusswords to carry out your flames on someone who really isn't deserving of it, and who probably knows more than you about the topic this game was created for: Programming. Respect your elders, nub.
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Post by Guest »

Dude, Arce, I've finished Precal. I just see the 'Pythagorean theorem' (or as we people who are out of 8th grade math call it, the distance formula. Dumbass) as a decent way to go about it. But next time, get your terms right before you start bashing people. Just because you feel badass touting your new "l33t" 8th grade math skills doesn't mean it's so. Besides that, I at least know a REAL programming I'd be wiser next time in who you tell to 'shut the fuck up' and who you call an asshole. Especially since you're some little kid who thinks he's all badass because he can do squares.

What's next, are you going to tell me you just learned what Trigonometry is? Oh, wait, that's beyond you. Next time, instead of 'pwning' me and showing me 3rd grade math skills, why don't you do something useful, like learn to program. Because you obviously haven't gotten that part down yet. Once you get that, and you 'pwn' me with your math 'skills', I'll concede that you're not a TOTAL fucking idiot.

Until then, go change your diaper, and stop your bitchy tantrums. Seriously, it's getting annoying when every thread you're in you use 5000 emoticons, shitty english, and assloads of poorly executed cusswords to carry out your flames on someone who really isn't deserving of it, and who probably knows more than you about the topic this game was created for: Programming. Respect your elders, nub.
Not my fault you're an idiot and cannot tell whether I am talking about triangles or distance. :spin:

Also, this topic is NOT made for programming. Whoever said it is is a dumbfuck. Notice how it's under PC Development? NOT under programming discussion.

And, do you think I care how old you are or what math you're in? You could be a 50 year old grandpa for all I care; it doesn't help that you couldn't distinguish whether I was talking about using the Pythagorean Theorem for the use of bounding circles or a right triangle. If I do not recall, you are the one who came in and said " Pythagorean Theorem is for triangles."

Finally, get your facts straight. I'm in 7th grade. :)
God declared me as an ass when I was made. It can't be helped. See, look:

Code: Select all

#define ASS 132 

//create the puny mortals. 
people person[99999999]; 

strcpy("Falco", person[23].name); 
person[23].age = 15; 
person[23].height = 67; 
//Yes, I god do not use the metric system. 
person[23].personality = ASS; 
person[23].emo = false; 
person[23].id = 1337; 
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

whether not wether.

By the way, wether means "a castrated ram." Don't believe me, it. So ... is there something you want to say about yourself and a certain penis-less ram?

Post by Guest »

Ummmm....WHAT? I didn't have "wether" anywhere in my post, and I don't see how you got the idea that I did. If you'll notice, it doesn't say "that post has been edited a total of 1 time(s)," and thus you know I didn't just edit it.

So, again, I'd like to ask, what the hell?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Nobody is fooled, you damn sheep castrater.
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

Arce, you lost, just admit it. You used the wrong terms, which shows your idiocy, not mine, and when I get confused as a result, you call ME an idiot? Also, I know it's under development, I was trying to figure out why you were using the pythagorean theorem (or Distance Formula, as you should have said it).

Now get on with your tag game, and lets see if you can actually make something decently worth all this BS in the topic.

P.S. Who cares what grade you were in? You were just acting like the pythagorean theorem is all that and a bag of chips...when, if you were older, you'd realize that it's just another formula that you use in math. There are tons of them you'll learn, once you get out of your diapers.
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Post by TiredSikTwisted »

First off arce, you say that the pythagorean theorem is the same as the distance formula (which there is no such formula unless you are calling it that because the is the equation that you put in your program, there are many different distance formulas and many factors that have and affect on it.), then you say that this "distance formula" is based on the pythagorean theorem. Make up your mind. The pythagorean therom is made to figure out the hypotenuse of a right triangle and not distance (unless you were using that to measure the peremiter of a triangle.). And I also think that you may be getting the distributive property mixed up with the pythagorean theorum.

BTW watch the obsessive capital red text. Act civilised because otherwise your are wasting bandwidth and web space.

Have a nice day.
#animeflix @
Official Internet Relay Chat Moderator Guy (OircMG) of

Post by Guest »


TiredSickTwisted says there's no official "Distance Formula." Thus, there is no proper term for it and my wording was correct.

Anyway, in my first post, I said that I USED the Pythagorean Theorem. That is all I said. Then you people come in, "Nuh uh! How could you use it for bounding circles? You must be confused, it's for triangles!" which dragged out to all this BS about distance.

I'm probably going to stop all this Blitz gayness. Every time I try to post progress and show what I've done, I always get, "It's in blitz." So, I'm either going to stop DEVing all together, or devote my time to C++. I have not decided what yet.

As of now, this tag thing and the multiplayer shootout I was planning are going to be discontinued.
Arce, you lost, just admit it. You used the wrong terms, which shows your idiocy, not mine, and when I get confused as a result, you call ME an idiot? Also, I know it's under development, I was trying to figure out why you were using the pythagorean theorem (or Distance Formula, as you should have said it).

Now get on with your tag game, and lets see if you can actually make something decently worth all this BS in the topic.

P.S. Who cares what grade you were in? You were just acting like the pythagorean theorem is all that and a bag of chips...when, if you were older, you'd realize that it's just another formula that you use in math. There are tons of them you'll learn, once you get out of your diapers.
You think this is a game? You think that I'm out to "win" or something? Well let me tell you this, this is no game. It's a serious thing when I have my period and freak over nothing. I condemn Eve for eating that damned fruit and cursing me!!

To begin, JS Lemming, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said and I sure as bleep didn't mean to post that profanity against you. Seriously, you’re the one person I shouldn't ever diss, considering that you almost taught me all I know about Blitz.

DJ Yoshi, as a n00b of the forums, I doubt you've witnessed my time. I'm sure that everyone on the forums can tell you that certain times of the month you should avoid me. If you don't, it can result in Flammage, loss of forum members (don't remind me about XXXboredGamerChickXXX, that whore deserved what she got), and other undesired results. I am sorry about being so sensitive and such a big ass to you. I did it partly because I don't know you much, and partly because I'm oozing blood. Let's drop this gayness, aight? I KNOW you could pwn me in math any day, and I know you've taken C++ class. And, I know you like respectable music. Thus, from what I hear, you're respectable. :spin:

Random Fact: Chris Redfield is also one of my favorite Resident Evil Charactors.
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Post by JS Lemming »

CRAP! I can't believe I missed this argument! Curses, it was because my phone company messed up our lines. Is that legal?? I was phoneless for 3 days. (supposed to be fixed by noon today)
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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