dandymcgee wrote:
Why would you ever apologize for that?? Keep 'em coming!
Hehe, well it felt like I was mass spamming updates, but I shall retract my apology and say cheers!
cypher1554R wrote:
err.. idk. I was trying to give a positive feedback. Like.. how much better it is to see something cool like an interesting new kind of AI-to-world interaction than some same old tested mechanism that turns out to be interesting for 2 minutes of playing. :/
I was a bit confused at your first post but this cleared it up, thanks! That's kind of what I'm going for in terms of gameplay and AI design. I want to create an experience between you as the player and the computer, in a lot of recent and basically in all games created I feel like I've been missing that important experience, which meant for me as a player, separated me quite a bit from the AI of the game and also the world.
GyroVorbis wrote:This right here is about as trendy as it gets.
Cheers! I'm curious if booting up my ASUS 1000H and running it at a reasonable frame-rate would make it more trendy?
Cheers everyone for all the positive feedback!
Before I quickly sum up what I'm up to at the moment I'd like to say:
Recently I made a checklist of things left to do before I have a decent releasable game and also calculated how long each item on the list would take, and I have roughly less than 100 hours left (That's included extra time for optimization, testing and bug fixing.)
So on to summing up!
Currently I'm on the verge of completing my Empire AI, which should only take about 5-10hours. Besides from that I'm going to spend most of the weekend developing which means that I should be able to cross off at least half of the items on my release log. So expect some truly epic updates very soon!
Also a few questions I would like to throw out there,
Concerning the Art, how do you guys feel about the art in the game at this moment?
Is there anything so far that you guys feel is.. wrong in a sense or just doesn't feel correct?
Any feedback is welcome! Cheers!