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Should TiredSickTwisted be de-admined?

Total votes: 12


Official forum flame war! Free admission! Bring popcorn!!!11

Post by Guest »

I don't mean to be mean, but I'm going to say this in the simplest way possible:

TiredSickTwisted should be de-admined ASAP on account that he doesn't do shit.

He's supposed to be the web developer, yet he just sits around, scarcely posts, abuses his admin powers, and claims he can do nothing on the website until we switch hosts. Sounds like a lazy fuq to me.

Does anyone else share this opinion? If so, please choose yes in the above poll. For those of you who are too big of pusses to say to his face that he blows, your vote will be totally confidential.

If you believe that he's a great administrator for the forums and does his fair share of work, please check no in the above poll.
TST: Now I set teh record straight
Addition information to persuade you to mark him as a fuq:
1) Edits posts without reason. <--- Only just now and that time I edited your post to make you look like a retard.
2) Locks topics without reason <--- Prove it. I have locked one thread and that is because I was preventing a huge argument.
3) Scarcely posts <--- I have a job :)
4) Has never benefited the chaos rift in any way <--- Wish I could, to help TCR, TCR needs to help me ;)
5) I feel he's a douche. <--- I don't think that is a douche you are feeling ;) lmao, j/k, had to be sik for a sec.

Your truely, the one and only forum asshole:

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Post by DJ Yoshi »

Or maybe you should stop whining and acting like a little kid...though admittedly, you are a prepubescent 12 year old girl, so there should be some leeway for you.

Oh wait, no there shouldn't, because you're a douchebag.

Not to be mean or anything.
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Post by Guest »

DJ Yoshi, I'm tired of you starting things. Are you gay? Or do you just have something to prove?

Anyway, who’s acting like the little kid? Do I come in random topics and start shit? Nope. Do I know that douche bag is TWO words? Yes.

Anyway, this topic has nothing to do with me whining, it has to do with not being such a wuss as to post what I think. I was PMed several times asked to make this topic. If someone wants to bash on someone else without sounding like a douche bag, they PM ME. I am the official forum douche bag. I have nothing against TiredSickTwisted, I just feel that he's not a good admin and made this topic partially to say so and partially to please others.

I'm seriously getting tired of your crap, and I'm giving you a warning now: STFU AND STOP STARTING SHIT YOU DAMNED FUCKHOLE!
Last edited by Guest on Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Showdin »

Dj Yoshi, you sound like a serious douche bag. Please step slowly out of my wife’s grill and go fuck yourself. I am glad that you have joined this forum since I have been temporarily inactive.

Oh, and yes, I think TiredSickTwisted's administrational powers should be confiscated because of the fact that he doesn't do shit for the site. He is one of those dirty douche bags that thinks he has power over the forums but sits on his lazy ass all day, probably staring at man porn.

Thank you for your cooperation. If anyone gets in my wife's grill again, I'm going to bust a cap in your ass.

Yours truly,

I, Arce, typed this. Showdin's computer is temporarily disabled; he told me what to type over the phone.
You are better than me.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Well, for one it's Tiredsiktwisted...
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Post by vmrob »

sorry.. i have to vote yes with that. tiredsiktwisted: i remember mostly the admins for their postings and for the input they give the site. i haven't even noticed that this man existed but i say that we give him one week to improve. else. boot him. unless he really is sick and has been for the past while.

Post by Guest »

Yeah, I'm not saying we just de-admin him in an instant. He'll have a certain period of time to improve, like, say, a week.

And no, he hasn't been sick. I see him at school regularly, and even have asked him about the site. He always says: "I cannot access the server, you need a new host."
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

I dunno...

He hasn't offended me in any way, but he hasn't necessarily done anything with the site. I have no ides. Before he's de-admined, you should probably get a few more people to vote.

EDIT: I thought it over real quick and, yeah, he shouldn't be an admin anymore. Nothing against him personally, just that he's not doing anything for the site, and the server can't be having problems.
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Post by FredDibnah »

Actually you're wrong Spidey, servers can have problems.
Anyway, who’s acting like the little kid? Do I come in random topics and start shit? Nope. Do I know that douche bag is TWO words? Yes.
He has a right to post his opinion here. After all, you are taking this a bit too seriously.
And you said he was acting like a child? Can't you handle one argument without screaming at someone?

Post by Guest »

Server problems don't prevent ALL web developing. So, basically, he's saying that HE cannot do the web deving with this current host. We're not switching hosts. And thus, it won't work out. He can't have administrator powers for things he COULD do IF the we switched servers.

Fredibnah, where in his whole post did you see his opinion about the topic? If you want to get technical, he DOESN'T have a right to post his opinion if the post is irrelevant to the topic. Your post is hanging near the side of being "illegal" because it doesn't state your opinion on the matter of de-admining TiredSickTwisted. However, it's not because it has to do with Spidey's post.

Anyway, him coming into topics and starting crap has been going on for a while. But you wouldn't know that now would you, considering you hardly ever post?
And you said he was acting like a child? Can't you handle one argument without screaming at someone?
Somehow, I believe I have a right to get pissed when some douche bag comes in EVERY topic I make and insults me. I'm getting pissed, and I am dead serious, if it doesn't stop actions will be taken.

DJ Yoshi, your last damned chance, stop or you'll be sorry. Text cannot hurt you, but you'd be surprised what I can do.


Anyway, back to the topic. I see that almost everyone agrees with me about de-admining TiredSickTwisted. However, that doesn't mean it'll happen. TiredSickTwisted, if you feel that you can benefit the chaos rift WITHOUT us switching hosts, please post so we can extend your time. I know web developing is tedious work. However, if you feel that you can do nothing with our current host, please post here so we can de-admin you immediately.
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Post by JS Lemming »

Giving administrative powers to TiredSacTwisted had noble reasons. But as we can see, absolute power isn't always the best way to inspire people. A lesson learned?
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Post by Imprezamtt »

well i mean, he WAS put in charge of my band's site....since there havent been any updates and PLENTY of hits, people are seeing our site and listening to the music, we could be missing out on some record deals since there is no email address to inquire about our band with.
I sent that guy an update (and it wasnt that much) and tst didnt do it. Now ppl make fun of us because we havent updated since last year.
Thanks :asshole:
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Post by FredDibnah »

Fredibnah, where in his whole post did you see his opinion about the topic? If you want to get technical, he DOESN'T have a right to post his opinion if the post is irrelevant to the topic.
Of course it was relevant. He said he thought the topic shouldn't be there in the first place (just in case you're going to take this literally, he implied it).
Your post is hanging near the side of being "illegal" because it doesn't state your opinion on the matter of de-admining TiredSickTwisted.
Someone had to comment on your post, and besides, I voted. That's all that matters.
Anyway, him coming into topics and starting crap has been going on for a while. But you wouldn't know that now would you, considering you hardly ever post?
Actually, I post everyday. I just don't in the programming forums because programming is boring.
I'm getting pissed, and I am dead serious, if it doesn't stop actions will be taken.
Whoa, I'm scared. :roll:

You can't do anything, Gyro would back me up.

Post by Guest »

Fredibnah, you seriously are either just plain stupid, or cannot read. Notice how I was talking to DJ YOSHI when I said that "actions would be taken"?

I've tried not to involve you in flammage because I respected you as a music composer. But it almost seems as though you WANT to fight.

You think Gyrovorbis is gay enough to support you picking a fight? Even if he was, do you think I CARE?


Chow! :asshole:


Anyway, TiredSikTwisted, you have two days to represent yourself. Try to get us to change our votes. Otherwise, because we have 88% votes to de-admin you, I regret to inform you that you’re gone after that.
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

Arce, everything I posted was relevant, and it was just showing you how fucking STUPID it was to post that "Not to be mean or anything" bit.

Not to mention, you couldn't/wouldn't do a damn thing. These are your brother's forums, and seeing as how he and I are brothers in C++, and I'm working on SDL, not to mention we talk every fucking day, if he WERE going to do anything about it, I'd know far before you'd be able to do anything.

Why don't you stop picking fights all the time, though in this case it was semi-warranted. Half the times you pick fights, I'm just criticizing/giving advice (see: Recursion thread).
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