Arce's Development (C++)

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Arce's Development (C++)

Post by Guest »

Okay, this is now my official development topic. Rules are as followed:

1) No flammage or cuss words
2) Posts MUST be directly related to the topic
3) Posts must be a minimal of 5 words
4) No criticism (some exceptions may apply)

By posting in this topic you are agreeing to follow each of the above rules. Failing to do so may result in post editing, deletion, or ban from this topic. There may be exceptions to some of these rules, but I doubt it.

Have a nice day. :spin:
DJ Yoshi
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

So... Just curious... What's the point of this thread?

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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Dj Yoshi wrote:posted via PSP

Post by Guest »

posted via PSP
You're joking, right?
So... Just curious... What's the point of this thread?
The point of this thread is to keep you people updated on my C++ learnage, and, if necessary, for me to post questions and/or ask for help.

I'm going to start on a program demonstrating much of what I know so far. It'll be very basic, and WILL NOT BE COMMENTED! (Unless I find time to put comments.) I'll probably start later today.

I'm thinking of a rectangle creator to demonstrate the use of classes, constructors, destructors, accessors, possibly even nested classes, and loops.

Any idea, questions, or comments, please feel free to post as long as you abide by all rules.
DJ Yoshi
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

1) No, I'm not kidding

2) Why do we really care if you are/aren't doing 'well' in c++? If you need help, then just create a new thread.

Just some thoughts.
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Post by Guest »

First off, I'd like to begin by personally thanking you, DJ Yoshi, for your post and opinion. Sadly, I do not share your same views in the sense that no one cares about my development, though it may very well be true. As much as I would I would like to hold a friendly debate over this matter, I have much to do and am constantly busy with my new moderating duties. I am sorry for any disappointments I may have caused you. I look foreword to viewing your future posts. Have a nice day. 8-)
Chaos Rift Cool Newbie
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Post by TiredSikTwisted »

This post is more than five words :) And I see no C++
#animeflix @
Official Internet Relay Chat Moderator Guy (OircMG) of

Post by Guest »

With all my time being spent on moderating (something you'd know nothing about) and SAT's (wasn't that your excuse also? Ironic. :roll:) I haven't had too much time for C++ learnage.

I hope I do not offend anyone in any way, I am just sharing my personal views and beliefs relating to there not yet having C++ posted here.

Have a nice day, and remember, here, in Programming Discussion, unlike Wutai's Reviews forum, we savor and enjoy your every post. :D

Post by Guest »

I am officially starting SDL learnage today (6/2/05).

I believe I know enough basic C++ to get library specific, which is what I am doing. And I am proud to say that I am a good enough programmer to sucessfully initialize SDL's subsystems (unlike another user of this forum that I know of.)

Anyway, I will try to post my progress and questions daily.

But, I am not posting my today's progress yet because the night is still young and I have much to learn. These bawls mints will aid me on my quest to become an SDL programmer.

Post by Guest »

Today I did not achieve much, but that is okay considering that I decided to begin learning SDl at 11:48 PM.

All I learned today was how to set up a win32 console so I can begin SDL (the library linking and crap like that) and about SDL's systems/sub sysytems and I learned how to initialize all of them, how to just initialize the video subsystem, the audio subsystem, to unitinialize all, to check what's initialized, and how to check for SDL errors.

My original thoughts about this SDL book:
Stop reading this! This author is a shitty teacher! He expects you to learn by looking at source code rather than by explaing things, and he expects you to know Direct X just because he learned it before SDL. Look online for some nice tutorials, and start there.

My thoughts now:
I was wrong. If I would have had enough patience to actually read 1 or 2 more pages I would see. He just doesn't BS. This book is fast paced and will occasionally leave you rereading sections, but is actually a good teacher. The author tells you straight out that as a reader, you should be aquainted with C++ and already know the mechanics of programming. You do not need to know Direct X to read this, even though he does ramble on about it occasionally. Just pay attention and actually try.

Please realize that I am only on page 29 of 325. My high opinion of this book may change in an instant. I originally hated the book and could not understand anything, and now it randomly hit me. That may happen again, reversed.

Anyway, bed time for me. :spin:
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