Rare(ware) on the NES?

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Rare(ware) on the NES?

Post by Falco Girgis »

Wow, Hyper Shadow not only bought me a PSX game called "Grind Session" when he spent the night yesterday, but he also bought me an NES game for .99$ at Rhino.

I was amazed when we played the NES game. It has to be one of the most hardcore games I've seen. It's called "Captain Skyhawk." It's got some really sweet looking particle affects, fake 3D rotations, and insane physics. Guess who made it? Our old friends Rare. I'm just amazed at this game and I'll find screenshots later to show you how nice it is.

In the meantime, can somebody list some other games by Rare during the NES era? I'm impressed and I'd like to relieve Rhino of some NES games...
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Post by Tvspelsfreak »

Captain Skyhawk was published by Rare, not produced by them.
And according to the same source (gamefaqs) these are all of their NES games:

Arch Rivals: A Basket Brawl!
Battletoads & Double Dragon
California Games
Cobra Triangle
Digger T. Rock: Legend of the Lost City
Double Dare
High Speed
Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II
Jeopardy! Junior Edition
John Elway's Quarterback Challenge
Marble Madness
Nightmare on Elm Street
Pro Am Racing
RC Pro Am II
RC Pro-Am
Snake Rattle 'n Roll
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warship
Time Lord
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune: Family Edition
Wizards & Warriors
WWF WrestleMania
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I didn't know Marble Madness was by Rare. That game is a classic. I've <3d that game for years. I have the cartridge too.

Post by Guest »

I should have known! The fake 3d in Marble Madness is a lot like that in Captain Skyhawk

I am going to beat Captain Skyhawk. It's an AMAZING game that's worth it. Anyone who ownes it for NES, I suggest you do to. But I don't know how it'd play for an emulator...It'd probably suck using the keyboard on that game. A Joystick might be nice...

Hey, that reminds me! I'm going to buy the NES Joystick eventually...I want it so bad. I have an Arcade pad; I'll post how the game plays with that after I try it.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Arce wrote:I should have known! The fake 3d in Marble Madness is a lot like that in Captain Skyhawk
Umm... He just said Captain Skyhawk wasn't by Rare, dumbass.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Arce and I bought Battletoads from Rhino yesterday.

That game is seriously one of the most impressive NES games I've ever seen. Have you played the Genesis version? It's like (I'm pretty sure) an exact port with just few minor graphical downgrades. The gameplay is still perfectly intact and there are some things on that game that I can't even believe are on NES. Tvspelsfreak and other respectable NES gamers, you guys have to try this game out. It's most fun multiplayer.

Also, I've heard really good things about Friday the 13th. That's officially been bumped up to my "must have NES games" list. Not only do I hear it's a really fun platformer, but it's fourscore compatible so that we can bust out the fourplayer. And we all know how fun 4 player action on an NES is...
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

Battletoads is a great game. So is Friday the 13th.

On the topic of Rareware, I haven't seen (or I just haven't bought) many games from them lately.
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Post by Showdin »

I love rare! They have published and/or produced some of my favorite games. I mean look at donkey kong country.
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

Marble madness was a game created by one guy. He coded it, drew it, everything himself. He's a big game dev now if I remember right.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

spideyspiderman2000 wrote:On the topic of Rareware, I haven't seen (or I just haven't bought) many games from them lately.
Of course you haven't, the company went to hell after the N64 era and started mass producing far below par games.

Remember titles like StarFox for the GC? No, of course you dont, Rare has lost all of their magic nowadays. They suck so badly, that even Nintendo doesn't want anything to do with them and sold Rare to Microsoft.

That's right, Rare is with Microsoft now and their first step towards "redemption" is porting the N64 classic "Conker's Bad Fur Day" to the X-box.

I'm afraid it'll take much more than a port to bring that company back.
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Post by MarauderIIC »

There is a whole new game w/ it, you know. Mutiplayer xbox live action and all that. www.conker.com

I like it. Came out a couple days ago.
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Post by JS Lemming »

Yeah Conker was all ways interesting. But I here talk that a Banjo Kazooie 3 will come out on the xbox 360.. what a shame.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Wow, I was wrong. Looking at that, I think Rare has redeemed themselves. I watched all the trailers and I'm wanting that game.

I'll bet Nintendo is so pissed that they got rid of Rare now.
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Post by JS Lemming »

GyroVorbis wrote:I'll bet Nintendo is so pissed that they got rid of Rare now.
Don't know about them but I am.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!

Post by Guest »

Me too. Nintendo are morons!

Oh well, I am still with them in the next generation of consoles.
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