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Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:49 pm
by skywalker541
DJ Yoshi wrote: The 360 uses a minorly upgraded X1800XT.
Obviously you know nothing about the Xenos ( 360 graphics chip). There is no other video card out right now like it and so it can't be compared to other pc graphics cards. It's unified shading architecture makes it unique. This means all 48 shader pipelines can be used for vertex or pixel shader information whereas the RSX has only 24 pipelines and 8 of those are reserved for vertex operations, meaning that those 8 pipelines can never be used for anything other than vertex operations. So, even if not all of the 8 pipelines are being used and all 16 of the pixel pipelines are, it could never "overflow" onto the vertex pipelines. So, as you can see the Xenos has 2x as many pipelines as the RSX and is much more efficient. Also the "Smart 3D RAM" (the 10 MB of DRAM) who's purpose is wondered about by many, allows for 4x anti-aliasing "for free" by free i mean it uses 0% of the GPU to anti-alias. To get the most out of the Xenos alone requires specific programming for it. And those programming techniques could never be used effectively on the PS3 because the GPU architecture is completely different.

I could go into the even bigger differences between the Tri-core PowerPC chip and the Cell also, but unfortunately i'm out of time. If you don't believe me or would like to learn more about this Unified Shader Architecture HardOCP has a very thorough article on it. ... RodXNpYXN0

Yoshi where did you get the idea they are virtually the same? Did you read that somewhere or did you just throw that together yourself? I'm guessing it was the latter. If you did read that somewhere, please show us the source.
DJ Yoshi wrote:And you obviously have no grasp of architecture in a PC. But this was made apparent to me during my junior year while you pestered me with endless stupid questions about your computer.
Yeah, I'll admit it when you last saw me in person, I was a complete nub when it came to computer hardware, but since then i've learned a tremendous amount. Enough to even surpass you it seems.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:57 pm
by DJ Yoshi
skywalker541 wrote:
DJ Yoshi wrote: The 360 uses a minorly upgraded X1800XT.
Obviously you know nothing about the Xenos ( 360 graphics chip). There is no other video card out right now like it and so it can't be compared to other pc graphics cards. It's unified shading architecture makes it unique. This means all 48 shader pipelines can be used for vertex or pixel shader information whereas the RSX has only 24 pipelines and 8 of those are reserved for vertex operations, meaning that those 8 pipelines can never be used for anything other than vertex operations. So, even if not all of the 8 pipelines are being used and all 16 of the pixel pipelines are, it could never "overflow" onto the vertex pipelines. So, as you can see the Xenos has 2x as many pipelines as the RSX and is much more efficient. Also the "Smart 3D RAM" (the 10 MB of DRAM) who's purpose is wondered about by many, allows for 4x anti-aliasing "for free" by free i mean it uses 0% of the GPU to anti-alias. To get the most out of the Xenos alone requires specific programming for it. And those programming techniques could never be used effectively on the PS3 because the GPU architecture is completely different.

I could go into the even bigger differences between the Tri-core PowerPC chip and the Cell also, but unfortunately i'm out of time. If you don't believe me or would like to learn more about this Unified Shader Architecture HardOCP has a very thorough article on it. ... RodXNpYXN0

Yoshi where did you get the idea they are virtually the same? Did you read that somewhere or did you just throw that together yourself? I'm guessing it was the latter. If you did read that somewhere, please show us the source.
DJ Yoshi wrote:And you obviously have no grasp of architecture in a PC. But this was made apparent to me during my junior year while you pestered me with endless stupid questions about your computer.
Yeah, I'll admit it when you last saw me in person, I was a complete nub when it came to computer hardware, but since then i've learned a tremendous amount. Enough to even surpass you it seems.
Well...first off...

The processes of the "Xenos" (which is still just a minorly upgraded X1800XT, like I said) can be offloaded to the Cell. In fact, that's where the Cell shines--graphics processing. You have 7 effective cores, one of which is a CPU at heart, the other of which function more like GPUs. These 6 cores could process 4 threads at the same time, either vertex or pixel, iirc, and that makes an effective 24 pipes just in the Cell alone. The GPU also is basically a 7900GTX, which has 24 pixel pipelines and 8 vertex pipes. This would put it far and away ahead of the Xenos + Shitcore alone, but the Cell can also pull off anything it wants, basically. It can do physics on die, graphics on die, anything on die. Meaning when the big Havok 3 revolution comes and the 360 is chugging along trying to pull off physics and graphics on the same chip with a huge hit to performance the Cell will be doing it all almost invisibly.

So yeah, it'd just have to be recompiled using IBM's Cell compiler which would automatically offload the graphics onto the Cell, making it a seamless event.

Also, you haven't learned anything. You've studied the 360, I'll grant you that, but you have no clue as to how the PS3 works, and no clue as to what really constitutes a need for recoding the entire thing.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:46 pm
by Dark Crusader
Well. Im not going to say the PS3 is going to be bad but Sony lost my vote when they announced that the PS3 costs $600 and each game will be up to $50 to $100 smakeroos. Thats just a bit more than I want to pay for ANY console right now. Also with rumors flying arownd that developers of the PS3 is going to make it to where you can only play new store bought games and cant play borrowed or rented games. If you were wontering of my sorces of this just wach G4 Tech TV. I think it was on AOTS so...Yea...Thas my two cents.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:50 pm
by skywalker541
Finally someone who listens to reason.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:38 am
by Karkash
He didn't promote the 360, Luke. He just doesn't want a PS3. Even I probably won't get one for a few years. Because you know what? It won't always be that expensive and right now the rental thing is just a rumor.

I don't even know why you keep bringing this up. I guess you figured you couldn't bash the PS2 so you'd bash the PS3? Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm not a Sony fanboy. I'm a PS2 fanboy. So bash it all you want. But really I think you do it to make yourself feel like you didnt waste 400 bucks on your 360. That, and perhaps you're one of those people who needs people to approve of what they're doing? You want us to tell you, "It's okay that you got a 360, Luke. It wasn't a waste of money at all. You're cool for getting one"? Is that what you want? Because otherwise there's no reason to keep bringing it up. You have a 360. You love it. Great. Most of us don't care and don't want one. If someone decides they want one, they'll go get one. You don't have to constantly defend the 360 and praise it every chance you get and bash all other consoles.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:23 am
by skywalker541
I don't really care that he didn't promote the 360. I said that because he's one of the few people here that sees the PS3 for what it is.

Actually, believe it or not, I started trying to persuade you guys to the 360 just so that we could all play together. Now I bash the PS3 because i whole heartedly believe it's not worth the money, however i still would like to play with you guys on live. I'll be honest, I was a little unsure about the 360 the first couple of months but now i believe in it 110%.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:28 am
by Karkash
Wow. That's the first post of yours in a long time that hasn't made me honestly sick to my stomach. I think I may actually hate you less now and I mean that in as nice a way as possible. =)

Edit: Do not mistake this for me agreeing with you.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:35 am
by DJ Yoshi
Dark Crusader wrote:Well. Im not going to say the PS3 is going to be bad but Sony lost my vote when they announced that the PS3 costs $600 and each game will be up to $50 to $100 smakeroos. Thats just a bit more than I want to pay for ANY console right now. Also with rumors flying arownd that developers of the PS3 is going to make it to where you can only play new store bought games and cant play borrowed or rented games. If you were wontering of my sorces of this just wach G4 Tech TV. I think it was on AOTS so...Yea...Thas my two cents.
1) You can get a PS3 for 500 bucks too. Still expensive, but not as expensive as you make it out to be. Also, the average price of games will be 60-70 bucks, only 10-20 bucks more than they are currently. 100 bucks was just an estimate by analysists, not actual pricing.

2) The rumors are false, sony themselves denied them a while back.

3) G4TV and AotS are crap. Stop watching crap which reinforces crap information.
skywalker541 wrote:I don't really care that he didn't promote the 360. I said that because he's one of the few people here that sees the PS3 for what it is.

Actually, believe it or not, I started trying to persuade you guys to the 360 just so that we could all play together. Now I bash the PS3 because i whole heartedly believe it's not worth the money, however i still would like to play with you guys on live. I'll be honest, I was a little unsure about the 360 the first couple of months but now i believe in it 110%.
The PS3 for what it is? A powerful gaming machine with a slew of awesome titles lined up for its early lifespan, and a few other niceties? That wasn't what his post was all about, so I doubt he "sees the PS3 for what it is".

Oh and it IS worth the money--600 dollar Blu-Ray player versus a 1,000 dollar Blu-Ray player...hrm...

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 3:57 pm
by Dark Crusader
Hey dont drag me into this. I never said it was going to be a compleat failure. I have seen trailers of some of its games and they look good. Im just saying I probubly wont buy one anytime soon because of the price. I dont bash any system because I dont buy a system for its technological advances. I buy it for the games. Skywalker I have nothing against the PS3 persey just Sony for overpicing it. The only reason why I bought a PS2 was to get Soul Calibure 3.
I may be ignorant of they ways of technology in the more specific sence but I am still going to be hopefull. Like the old saying is. Dont count your chickens beafore they hatch.
Also I do like the 360, Oblivion is the one game I would throw out $400 for.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:53 am
by DJ Yoshi
Dark Crusader wrote:Hey dont drag me into this. I never said it was going to be a compleat failure. I have seen trailers of some of its games and they look good. Im just saying I probubly wont buy one anytime soon because of the price. I dont bash any system because I dont buy a system for its technological advances. I buy it for the games. Skywalker I have nothing against the PS3 persey just Sony for overpicing it. The only reason why I bought a PS2 was to get Soul Calibure 3.
I may be ignorant of they ways of technology in the more specific sence but I am still going to be hopefull. Like the old saying is. Dont count your chickens beafore they hatch.
Also I do like the 360, Oblivion is the one game I would throw out $400 for.
1) That's fine that you buy it for the games--good for you. But tell me--why are you buying the PC Lite then?

2) What do you have against Sony? Just don't buy it. Why have a grudge against them?

3) If you'd shell out 400 bucks for oblivion, you could easily build yourself a computer capable of running it, every other PC, I mean, 360 game, and much much more for only 100-200 bucks more. Honestly.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:16 pm
by skywalker541
You can't build a computer that plays games as well as the 360 for 500 or 600 bucks. If you think you can, then i challenge you to prove it.

And why do you find it nescessary to quote whoever your replying to even if you're posting right after them? It's a bit redundant if you ask me.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:52 pm
by DJ Yoshi
skywalker541 wrote:You can't build a computer that plays games as well as the 360 for 500 or 600 bucks. If you think you can, then i challenge you to prove it.

And why do you find it nescessary to quote whoever your replying to even if you're posting right after them? It's a bit redundant if you ask me.
1) Not QUITE as well, but extremely close. For another 150 you can have a PC that's easily comparable to a 360. 750 bucks is all you need for a PC that can do everything a 360 can and much, much more. If you need me to post the links I will

2) Redundant? No. It's so everyone knows who I'm replying to, and can easily read both posts. It's called proper posting etiquette--something you learn after using forums for a while, and not being a gaybashing homophobic little 360 fanboy.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:17 pm
by skywalker541
Well, it's no surprise who's the first to digress back to immature insults.

And i would very much like to see those links proving you can build a computer close to the quality of a 360 for $500 - 600.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:09 pm
by DJ Yoshi
skywalker541 wrote:Well, it's no surprise who's the first to digress back to immature insults.

And i would very much like to see those links proving you can build a computer close to the quality of a 360 for $500 - 600.
3500+ Venice Core AM2 proc - 109 dollars
Asus nForce4 board - 80 dollars
1gb of DDR2 - 80 dollars
7900GT - 250 dollars
250gb HDD - 75 dollars

There you have a computer very comparable to a 360. If you don't believe the prices, newegg them yourself. The case and optical drives could be ported from an older PC easily.

If I can do math correctly (which I can) that's 594 dollars. Plus I've seen 7900GTs for like 220 after rebates, so if you waited for a good enough deal you could pick one up for cheap.

That computer would run games at a very comparable resolution to anything the 360 runs at 40+ FPS easily. It could run Oblivion at the 360's settings at 60fps I do believe quite easily.

For an extra 200 dollars you could get an X1900XT which would allow AA and HDR at the same time, and with excellent framerate.

And yeah, it's kinda hard to forget some of the stupid, asinine things you did, even after you say "I'm so sorry guys, I was a douchebag." Yeah, we know you were a douchebag, and the things you said can never be forgiven. That's something you need to understand--no matter how much you beg and cry, you're not going to be forgiven. I will insult you until the day you exit my life (what a glorious day that would be), and I will never apologize for it. You deserve every mean spirited thing I will ever say to you, and I promise, much much more.

Deal with it.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:40 pm
by Tvspelsfreak
skywalker541 wrote:Well, it's no surprise who's the first to digress back to immature insults.
skywalker541 wrote:i found this article revealing the latest news about the videogame system that will flop more than michael johnson's limp dick running a marathon.
skywalker541 wrote:Nothing much to say here, these articles speak for themselves. Just read them and observe the homosexuality flourish.

You consider that acting mature? Considering that was your first post after the forum got back and the way you acted before it was taken down do you really deserve anything better?