mllarson wrote:You could try Final Fantasy XI. My friend used to play that like it was going out of style. Not because he likes MMOs, rather because it's a Final Fantasy game, and he MUST play every FF!
I used to play FFXI. If you value your life, your sanity, your spare time, stay the
fuck away. I also played, because I wanted to do every Final Fantasy. It's not a bad game at all, but it's horrible for you. The game requires literally your soul to get anywhere. You
cannot be a casual FFXI player. There are quests that take hours and hours to do one tiny thing.
You also lose experience and delevel at times when you die. That brought me to a whole new level of pissed off that I have never been at a video game. It just feels like they crossed the line there. You don't fucking
delevel in RPGs--especially not MMOs. Some fuckass in your party gets you all murdered, and
he just cost you hours of work grinding. Then combine that with the fact that you are
always fucking broke and always underpowered in that game.
The emphasis on teamwork is what made it so damn fun. You are all little bitches and pussies, but you could do amazing things in a team. It rewards you juuuuust enough to keep you slightly happy and lusting for more pleasure from the game, so you put hours upon hours of more work into it. It's like a woman, no matter how much time and effort you invest into it, it will never be happy.
The game has sooooo much content. But every new major step takes 9999 hours to achieve. If they just dropped the deleveling, made leveling and money acquisition easier so that you could progress faster, the game would be absolutely amazing. There is just too much time in between huge events to get pissed, frustrated, and feel violated.
I quit before I lost my sanity and life. I still miss it from time to time, but it wasn't as fun as sex (which I had to basically give up for that game), so I had to leave.