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Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:18 pm
by Drakor
uh..... arse thinks he is so good with his white and black monstorities...but one day......i....PWNTed him with a penny.(counter)

ask falco he is my witness, in MY house Playing with HIS PERFECT strategy Dick i OWNED HIM!!!!!

oh by the way i have several is my fav. my green and black kamigawa reborn dick.

i also have a ..BUM BUM BAH! a darksteel collasus.....P33R! ( i opend my second but first in a while darksteel dick booster and there it was laying on top craving, nay daring me to use it's aswome power and desimate my opponents.)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:24 pm
by Guest
I've officially removed Drakor from ROU.

Not playing magic is one thing, but playing it incorrectly and SOILING it is another. Drakor, I swear to god if I read this topic before I'd have shreded your non-existent penis over an open fire.

Not only can Drakor not play Magic correctly, but he uses gay new edition cards. He doesn't play by the rules, and thinks "add 1 mana to your mana pool" means put a mana in play. He’s a total fucking retard...

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:29 pm
by Guest
Oh, and if you were still in ROU, you'd officially have gone negative. Not only do you need to retake English, but you should know by now to say gyrovorbis rather than his real name.

Yes, gyrovorbis, be his wittness and tell us all who "won".

In the end he went out of turn, after cheating the whole game, and claimed that my instant to counter his attack was void due to a sorcery that had 5 turns previously been discarded.

On top of that, he said that a none-flying creature could block all my flying creatures just because it had haste! Obviously he cannot play.

Cheating in majix is too far. I have no regret in kicking him out. I'm PMing him ASAP.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:00 am
by DJ Yoshi
Your archangel isn't really all that great. I've got a 6/6 flying, trample, protection from black and red, first strike, haste angel (Akroma, Angel of Wrath) which smacks it around. Also, white IS cheap, because you can prevent way too much damage, regain way too much life, and get protection from everything (circles of protection anyone?)

Gotta rework my decks...

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:24 pm
by Showdin
I know Drakor is no longer part of our here clan but as I understand, it is still perfectly fine to use real names in the realm. But if rules have changed, please tell me so I don't end up breaking them.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:32 pm
by Guest
Dj Yoshi, I didn't even say I had an archangel. Did you just pull that out of your ass somewhere? o.o

White can be considered cheap, but not for the reasons of preventing damage. White regains unbelievable amounts of life.

As an experienced player would know, white is not the only color that can be considered cheap. All colors can be considered cheap because each has an ability and strength. If you'd have checked the forums more, you'd have seen where we've already addressed this matter, so there is no point in doing so a second time.

My deck was White and Black. That is not counting the four others I had at the time of playing with Drakor. If you are hinting cheapness anywhere among me, I am thankful to say thatyou are incorrect. And, I am new edition free, thank you very much. :spin:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:34 pm
by Guest
I know Drakor is no longer part of our here clan but as I understand, it is still perfectly fine to use real names in the realm. But if rules have changed, please tell me so I don't end up breaking them.
You're correct. I was being a douche. The realm is not open to public, and the select few that can make it into here can say/speak names all they want. Thankfully, Drakor is no longer among the select few. :spin:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:20 pm
by DJ Yoshi
Uh, you said in your post that you had an Archangel, it was one of your favorite white cards and it was one of if not the most powerful card. Go back and read, son.

Also, I'm quite experienced. White is by far the cheapest, and if you think it's not because of preventing damage, just ask Aaron about my deck.

And the new edition really isn't that bad...old edition cards really will spank it if you use them right. Especially artifacts. Good god artifacts are lame.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:10 pm
by Showdin
I just upgraded my killer green and black deck with some new edition cards yesterday. The ones I added aren't lame or cheep. I just can't wait to get my hands on one of those gangsters revenge! J/K. (Hopefully you already knew.) This post sux. Oh well, I admit I'm an :asshole:!! Minus two points for this gay post.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:22 pm
by Guest
WTF? I don't minus anything unless you are being a dumbfuck.

I do not play with cards that are not within integer range of attack or defense, I do not play with cards that have effects like, 'if someone asks a question, regenerate', and I don't play with heroes. If your new cards do not match any of those descriptions, it's fine with me. If they do, then I resent your dick in every way possible. :spin:

Oh, and DJ Yoshi, I didn’t mean to sound like an ass in that post. When I said, "what, did you pull that out of your ass?" I seriously meant that I didn't know how you knew I liked that card. It may sound rude, which it is, but that's how arce's say it. :mrgreen:

No, I was not accusing your experience, either. You get +5 points for proving your knowledge in majix.

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:52 am
by MarauderIIC
Phelios, guy you wind up talking to cause I dont sign off all the time, has a modular deck on Magic Online. It has a tendency to own things. Pretty neat, really. I suck at Magic :P

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:49 pm
by Showdin
Damn, I need to get me one of them stench of evil cards!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:30 am
by Guest
OMG I love that card. If anything, just because of the name.

I'm going to make a new dick and have it ready for when Showdin comes out. I'll post colors later.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:32 am
by Showdin
You best make it hella stella to even stand a chance against my 1337 deck.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:47 am
by Guest
Who says we'd be fighting? I'm going to custimize mine for team battles (at least one of them) so we can kick cole an Gyrovorbis's asses.