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Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:09 am
by Falco Girgis
Yeah, I will definitely be switching my language of Bop N' Pop to redneck. :D

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:51 am
by MarauderIIC
You know there's a "Swedish Chef" language in Guild Wars, or at least was when I played. Bork bork bork!

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:02 pm
by eatcomics
MarauderIIC wrote:You know there's a "Swedish Chef" language in Guild Wars, or at least was when I played. Bork bork bork!
I would play with that setting.... :lol:

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:26 pm
by trufun202
eatcomics wrote:
MarauderIIC wrote:You know there's a "Swedish Chef" language in Guild Wars, or at least was when I played. Bork bork bork!
I would play with that setting.... :lol:
Hrmmmm....if I get bored, I might do something like that. :P

Right now I'm just pulling in the 360's Culture Info and pulling text from the corresponding resources file for that language. But that doesn't mean I can't override the current value and load in some other "language." ;)

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:09 pm
by trufun202
..and so it begins. I'm still working on the 360 version in my free time, BUT last night the client officially approved all of the graphics and storyboards for their version of the game. Yes, woot; however, they want to review the full, working version of the game by Monday. :shock:

It's pretty damn cool to be developing a game at work, but something tells me I'll be working through the weekend too. XD

The good thing is, I'm mostly ripping things out of the 360 version, rather than building new functionality.

Good times...kinda scary, but good times.

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:02 pm
by Falco Girgis
...trufun is living the life.

Make us proud! I'm so envious.

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:17 pm
by Maevik
That's awesome! Congrats man.

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:26 pm
by eatcomics
oh wow, I can't wait to hear how it goes... The anticipation will probably get to me soon! Well keep us updated!

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:00 pm
by MarauderIIC
This get done? For sale yet? Etc

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:17 pm
by trufun202
MarauderIIC wrote:WHAR'S MY NEW ARCADE GAEM?!?!? :)
This get done? For sale yet? Etc
DAMN CLOSE. Programming and the language translations are DONE.

I'm waiting on a few more assets from my artist, but I should have them by this weekend.

Some friends have given me feedback on the gameplay - saying it needs more depth. So, Battle Mode now has a new "attack meter", which builds up as you go. Once the meter reaches 100%, you can unleash the fury on your opponent - like, reversing their controls, adding random orbs to their board, etc. Think of it as "Tetris meets Marvel vs. Capcom" XD

Once the game is done, it still has to be approved by other developers in the XNA Creator's Club before it goes on sale. But, I've played some pretty crappy Xbox Live Community Games, so hopefully it'll get approved!

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:29 am
by trufun202
It's been a while since I posted some screenshots, and most of the new artwork is in place.

Here's what it looks like so far:
Character Select Screen
(232.11 KiB) Downloaded 56 times
Battle Mode
(208.68 KiB) Downloaded 54 times

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:30 am
by trufun202
Two more screenshots:
Battle Mode Attack
(180.81 KiB) Downloaded 45 times
(185.42 KiB) Downloaded 42 times

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:38 am
by programmerinprogress
That's looking great trufun, I hope it does well and makes you some serious $$$ (or £ in my terms) ;)

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:17 am
by Maevik
Awesome! As a color blind gamer I can't tell you how cool it is to see that you now have art to easily distinguish the pieces other than their hue. I'm usually SOL when it comes to puzzle games, and that just sucks! We make up nearly a third of the male population (which, lets face it, is a vast majority of the gamer population) and yet people still seldom take them into account when building their games.

Anyway, I can't wait to buy the game :D

Re: Bop N' Pop! 360 Edition

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:10 pm
by aamesxdavid
Maevik wrote:Awesome! As a color blind gamer I can't tell you how cool it is to see that you now have art to easily distinguish the pieces other than their hue. I'm usually SOL when it comes to puzzle games, and that just sucks! We make up nearly a third of the male population (which, lets face it, is a vast majority of the gamer population) and yet people still seldom take them into account when building their games.

Anyway, I can't wait to buy the game :D
I think most games have at least some other difference in pieces aside from color to distinguish them. trufun for example has different expressions on the faces for different colors. It's probably not as immediate a difference to notice, but it's something.

It looks awesome, can't wait to get it on Xbox!