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Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:48 am
by K-Bal
Looks pretty good.

How is the work with Assimp going?

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:18 am
by GroundUpEngine
RyanPridgeon wrote:This is looking great. It's come to the point where I look forward to updates and check the thread regularly! XD
I appreciate that! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
programmerinprogress wrote:awesome :)

Keep up the good work
Cheers bud! I'll try ;)
K-Bal wrote:Looks pretty good.

How is the work with Assimp going?
Thanks! :)
Pretty shit unfortunately so I put it on hold for a while, but I've made some major bug fixes recently so now I can focus more on implementation.

Edit: I started statically linking SFML it's bigger executable size but less files to handle :P

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:36 pm
by GroundUpEngine

Some New Designs for Game (Low Poly Weps) [WIP]


just got a fake email that linked me to my old wow character, aint played that shit in years ... &cn=Hebron
lmao :lol:

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:12 pm
by RyanPridgeon
The sword and handgun look epic! The SMG in the middle is well scabby though :lol: (just extruded handle and clip ;D)

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:54 pm
by GroundUpEngine
Thanks :)
haha, ye I totally agree it needs some sculpting and some parts re-doing :lol:


Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:46 pm
by GroundUpEngine

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:55 am
by GroundUpEngine
Update (pt2)->

~ Cleaner GUI
~ Footage of GroundUpViewer Tool
~ Footage of Frustum Culling Demo
~ etc..

Video Link (watch in fullscreen HD ^_^) ->

Screenshot of Viewer ->

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:35 am
by RyanPridgeon
It's looking great man, keep it up! I can't wait to play the finished game.

Re: [GroundUpEngine] Sexy Progress Today!

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:02 pm
by GroundUpEngine
Big Update:

Freaking Stoked!

#Failed to implement basic Octree Map (Almost done though!)
~Completely Pimped out OBJ Loader Class (Which I havent touched in ages) :lol:
~More Accurate Frustum Culling
~New Player Class
~Pwned everything else (Engine very stable) ;)

New Features ->

New Simple Menu ->

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:13 pm
by eatcomics
Epic man, great work, keep us posted, we can't wait to play!

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:30 pm
by zeid
This is very cool, I've been working on a rendering/entity system for some time now. Are you doing batch rendering at all? Have you put in place some kind of entity factory, if so what kind of structure does it have may I ask?

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:45 pm
by GroundUpEngine
zeid wrote:This is very cool, I've been working on a rendering/entity system for some time now. Are you doing batch rendering at all? Have you put in place some kind of entity factory, if so what kind of structure does it have may I ask?
Acutally I'm working on an something of an entity system right now, but it's mainly for the map editor ;)

The models are rendered like they were before, but the code is cleaner now and I'm using Display Lists (26% Performance Increase) and Backface Culling (30% Performance Increase) faster but technique is nothing special. Also the old build of the OBJ Loader was really messy, didn't support rendering a mixture of quads/tris and wasn't very usable or fast.

I haven't done much with VBO's and what not, what do you mean by batch rendering??

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:51 pm
by Falco Girgis
This is coming along pretty damn impressedly. I almost feel guilty that I can't find the time to always keep up with this topic. It's very motivating, and in a sort of "I want to learn everything and do it all myself" kind of way, this reminds me a very lot of Elysian Shadows. Keep rocking, friend.

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:29 pm
by zeid
Acutally I'm working on an something of an entity system right now, but it's mainly for the map editor ;)

The models are rendered like they were before, but the code is cleaner now and I'm using Display Lists (26% Performance Increase) and Backface Culling (30% Performance Increase) faster but technique is nothing special. Also the old build of the OBJ Loader was really messy, didn't support rendering a mixture of quads/tris and wasn't very usable or fast.

I haven't done much with VBO's and what not, what do you mean by batch rendering??
Well display lists are starting to get phased out, so I've personally avoided them and only know a bit about what they are. I might look into them in the future.
VBO's are sexy when you get them right but a hell bitch to get right. I've learnt how to use these in uni but only had time to implement them once I plan to setup a nice class/set of classes for me to easily use/copy from in the future.

By batch rendering I mean using some form of data structure to keep all entities using the same model/texture together this way when it comes to rendering, you can significantly reduce the number of openGL calls being made. i.e.

Code: Select all

for i = each model group
	glBindTexture(..., currentModel->m_texture);
	glTexCoordPointer(...,...,..., currentModel->m_texCoords);
	glVertexPointer(..., ..., ..., currentModel->m_verticies);

	for l = each entity in model group
I hope that makes sense to you. Thats a very rough example of what I mean. Basically you are only setting up the model and texture to draw once, but then you are drawing the model multiple times in different places/with different properties.

Re: [GroundUpEngine] 3D Engine Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:44 pm
by GroundUpEngine
GyroVorbis wrote:This is coming along pretty damn impressedly. I almost feel guilty that I can't find the time to always keep up with this topic. It's very motivating, and in a sort of "I want to learn everything and do it all myself" kind of way, this reminds me a very lot of Elysian Shadows. Keep rocking, friend.
Thanks man, I very much appreciate that!! :cheers: I sometimes notice that our projects are quite similar, which I think is pretty awesome!

zeid wrote: I hope that makes sense to you. Thats a very rough example of what I mean. Basically you are only setting up the model and texture to draw once, but then you are drawing the model multiple times in different places/with different properties.
Thanks for clearing that up, I think I understand it a bit better now, also I agree with you there that technique is awesome! It would boost performance ten fold!

Also the Display Lists are simular to the VBO technique however its slower, and limited to set list of commands so they cant be modified in runtime.

Code: Select all

GLuint _displayListId;


void MakeList()
        // Set up a Display List for Drawing the Entity //
        _displayListId = glGenLists(1); // Make Room for the Display List //
        glNewList(_displayListId, GL_COMPILE); // Begin the Display List //
        DrawSomeShit(); // Add Commands for Drawing the Entity to the Display List //
        glEndList(); // End the Display List //

Code: Select all

void Draw(float x, float y, float z)
        // Call the Display List for Drawing the Entity //
            glTranslatef(x, y, z);