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Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:19 pm
by cobain
No clue wherre to put javascript stuff, but umm...I want something that I have actually never seen done before, at least not quite like this. I have a picture in the middle of a page, and I have a few names over to the side. What I want is, on mouse over, the middle picture switches (in place) to a picture of the person whose name it is. On mouse out, switch back to the main picture. Whats more, I want to link to a profile of the person, not just a page with a bigger version of that picture.
JS said never use frames, and even if I was, I wouldnt know how to do this. I would really appreciate any help, I'm working on a website for my church's youth group. (yes, of course for free!) Thanks!!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:53 am
by JS Lemming
Sorry, I don't have time to make that, I'm leaving for a week long vacation tommorrow. I suggest going to a Javascript forum, they would probably help. And help faster too.