Video Game Content Questionnaire

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Video Game Content Questionnaire

Post by Karkash »

This is a questionnaire I wrote for research purposes for an upcoming speech. I would really appreciate it if anyone who feels like it would fill it out and either post it here with the questions or better yet email it to me.

Email address is: swilli44 @


1) What is your major?

2) What gender do you consider yourself?

3) Do you play video games?

4) books?

5) movies?

6) television?

Whether you do or don't:

7) In video games, are you offended by...

7a) Violence towards adults?

7b) Violence towards children?

7c) Violence towards animals?

7d) Sex?

7e) Sexual preferences other than heterosexuality?

7f) Profanity?

7g) Male nudity?

7h) Female nudity?

8) If you are offended by any of the previous, please explain.

9) Who's responsibility do you feel it is to determine what content is appropriate for an individual to view?

9a) Why?

10) Do you feel that violent, sexual, etc. content has a negative effect on the average user?

10a) If so, why?

11) Do you feel that the video games industry should have more or less freedom, or is it fine the way it is?

11a) What in particular, if anything, do you feel should be changed?

12) If you play video games, do you pay attention to ESRB ratings (E for everyone, T for teen, etc.)?

12a) Has a game's rating ever changed your opinion of the game?

12b) Would a game's rating ever stop you from buying a game that you wanted?

13) Do you find it acceptable for stores to decide to not sell video games they find morally questionable?

14) Are the views you've expressed here the same when it comes to...

14a) Movies?

14b) Television?

14c) Books?

14d) If you care to explain, please do so.

15) Do you feel books need a rating system similar to the ones in place for video games and movies?

15a) If no, why not?

16) Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

email. wrote:Falco Girgis

1) What is your major?
Computer Engineering

2) What gender do you consider yourself?

3) Do you play video games?

4) books?

5) movies?

6) television?

Whether you do or don't:

7) In video games, are you offended by...

7a) Violence towards adults?

7b) Violence towards children?

7c) Violence towards animals?

7d) Sex?

7e) Sexual preferences other than heterosexuality?

7f) Profanity?

7g) Male nudity?
Eehhhh.... Nah

7h) Female nudity?
Hell No

8) If you are offended by any of the previous, please explain.
I love female nudity.

9) Who's responsibility do you feel it is to determine what content is appropriate for an individual to view?
The individual.

9a) Why?
People have different views of what is and isn't acceptable. It isn't the obligation of game companies to decide what is and isn't offensive for people.

10) Do you feel that violent, sexual, etc. content has a negative effect on the average user?
No. The average user can separate real life from a violent video game. It's not real.

10a) If so, why?

11) Do you feel that the video games industry should have more or less freedom, or is it fine the way it is?
I feel like it's fine the way it is. Game developers aren't really restricted at the moment. They can do whatever, but it may get an adult rating. I certainly don't think there should be any restriction put on video games if there's a rating system.

11a) What in particular, if anything, do you feel should be changed?
Game developers should have the freedom to do whatever they want, but the games should get the corresponding ESRB rating.

12) If you play video games, do you pay attention to ESRB ratings (E for everyone, T for teen, etc.)?

12a) Has a game's rating ever changed your opinion of the game?

12b) Would a game's rating ever stop you from buying a game that you wanted?

13) Do you find it acceptable for stores to decide to not sell video games they find morally questionable?
No. It's not their place to determine what is suitable for other people to play.

14) Are the views you've expressed here the same when it comes to...

14a) Movies?

14b) Television?

14c) Books?

14d) If you care to explain, please do so.
Same views.

15) Do you feel books need a rating system similar to the ones in place for video games and movies?

15a) If no, why not?
People can determine the content of a book by reading the back of the book usually, looking at the cover, etc.

16) Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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