Real Games

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Real Games

Post by davidthefat »

Whats your favorite real game (as in like tag, capture the flag, ultimate freesbee, and sports like football and baseball and ect...)
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Re: Real Games

Post by programmerinprogress »

I would change the name of this post, there is a parallel post of this name in the other forum, and let's just say you don't want people to accidently post those messages in here :lol:

I was never one for physical sports, however I do hope to join the archery club in university, so we'll see how that goes ;)
(oh, FYI, i've never tried it, so I hope everyone manages to take cover when I fire! :lol: )
Last edited by programmerinprogress on Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I think I can program pretty well, it's my compiler that needs convincing!
And now a joke to lighten to mood :D

I wander what programming language anakin skywalker used to program C3-PO's AI back on tatooine? my guess is Jawa :P
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Re: Real Games

Post by Trask »

I play airsoft... woohoo?
MarauderIIC wrote:You know those people that are like "CHECK IT OUT I just made Linux run on this piece of celery [or other random object]!!"? Yeah, that's Falco, but with ES.
Dear god, they actually ported ES to a piece of celery!
Martin Golding wrote: "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
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Re: Real Games

Post by zeid »

I was never one for physical sports
A programmer thats not a fan of physical sports, surely not :roll:

I use to play a bit of Soccer and Australian rules football very casually, I liked swimming but spent an annoying amount of time in the country so aren't the best at it.

Are drinking games included in "real games"...
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Re: Real Games

Post by Falco Girgis »

Suba Diving and Rock Climbing. I've always been a fan of both. I'm night diving, deep sea diving, cave diving, and nitrox scuba certified.

As for watching, anything with lots of girls and bouncing boobs.
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Re: Real Games

Post by Big Grizzle »

Throughout secondary school basketball was my drug and I was the captain of the team. However when I got a "real" job I stopped playing. I am seriously sucky at it now.

I used to train Muay Thai for about two years religously, but that sport is too addictive and not good for someone with such a bad temper as me. I gave it up for two reasons. My hernia was in need of repair and I kept wanting to leg kick every arsehole that pushed in front of me on the tube.

At the moment cycling is my personal favourite. Although I have not done any for a while due to my bike being a tiny bit damaged after I crashed it.
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Re: Real Games

Post by trufun202 »

GyroVorbis wrote:As for watching, anything with lots of girls and bouncing boobs.
it's amazing how great minds think alike. ;)

As for sports, I've tried baseball, footerball, wrestling, and soccer, but my lack of coordination is astonishing. I managed to dislocate my knee while chasing the dogs around the house. (ouch, that fuggin' hurt.)

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Re: Real Games

Post by hurstshifter »


I find this sport to be extremely relaxing and fun to play either casually or competitively.
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Re: Real Games

Post by Pickzell »

The correct answer:
A game where the mind and body are one together in a way so that when one thing happens the body reacts exactly as the mind thinks it.

I would have also accepted boobies...... Boobies..

First person to figure out who I stole that from gets a virtual cookie!
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Re: Real Games

Post by davidthefat »

GyroVorbis wrote: As for watching, anything with lots of girls and bouncing boobs.

Lingerie Football League...
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