I'm writing a brainfuck interpreter in C, and I'm having issues with some code. I'm not used to gcc, but I haven't had a programming problem (that I couldn't solve) in a long time, and this is different than the code I normally write.
A ',' in brainfuck is supposed to take a single character input. So:
Is case ',': in a switch statement? if not, then there is your problem.
if static char *ptr; is inside a switch statement but not under a case label, then that may be your issue.
Yea it was in a switch, I'm just so used to writing this shit in code that I forget it when I talk about what the issue is, expecting that it's assumed :P. Sorry about that. But I figured out what the problem was, it wasn't even with this part of the code, it was with something I commented out at the same time, which led my belief that it was the issue. I simply forgot { and } inside of a different case, when I was declaring a variable in that case.
EDIT: Stupid mistakes ftw.
While Jesus equipped with angels, the Devil's equipped with cops
For God so loved the world that he blessed the thugs with rock