The thing I notice about Vimeo straight off is that it limits your amount of uploads (though, I'd have a hard time uploading the max 500 MB per week), and that you can only have a maximum of 20 tags on your videos, and a maximum of one "Channel" (I have no idea what this is yet). (And it's asking you everywhere to sign up for Vimeo Plus).
But, once I use it more I'll probably find some nuances that I like.
Oh, I do like being able to upload my own thumbnail of my videos. And the little group things. Except that some guy spammed the "Game Developers" group with some WoW Machinima BS.
I do
really wish both YouTube and/or Vimeo would have a much more streamlined, simpler approach to mass-updating movie descriptions. It gets really annoying trying to update links in the descriptions and all that, or changing all their names, or making sure all my old YouTube videos have the correct website.
Looks like Albums are == Playlists, and Vimeo has a much better way of organizing the order of them.
I guess Channels would just be... if I wanted to separate my "programming" from my "lets plays" and my "me playing piano" videos.
At least with the, you could actually.. YOU KNOW,
customize your page! Put different things like "photo album", "video", or just some widget to add HTML into. Why the poop can't we do that with these video hosting sites?