Anything related in any way to game development as a whole is welcome here. Tell us about your game, grace us with your project, show us your new YouTube video, etc.
Just showing my success on my recent problem "OpenGL alpha blending problem", I have pretty much completed the implementation of transparent objects (just need to make it relative to the camera position and not the origin). The steps I have taken out are as follows:
Z-sort opaque objects e.g. plane, cubes, tree trunks
Render opaque objects
Manually Z-sort transparent objects e.g. tree tops
You know Ground, you're the person who made me really want to try 3D. This project was a big inspiration back in the day. Glad to see you've come back to it.
GroundUpEngine wrote:
Edit: I went on your forum, your lua game engine is freakin' sweat!
I hope you mean sweat as in his engine must have been the cause of much blood, sweat, and tears for its awesomenss, rather than your engine looks sweaty...
And the thing about SDL running like crap on vista... I've noticed that it seems slowed on my vista lappy too... Vista fails...
I read somewhere that Vista removed support for OpenGL. Damn Microsoft and their DirectX Campaign
Apple is worse in that regard to supporting OpenGL. OS X doesn't even support OpenGL 4 (through hardware)! Its highest full support is with OpenGL 3.2. And it's OS-limited, nothing to do with the Macintosh hardware, because you can just as well run Linux or Windows on a Apple computer and they do offer OpenGL 4 support from the hardware.
Don't know where you read that, but it's false. You can use OpenGL with Vista, Unigine Valley works with OpenGL on Windows.
If Microsoft plans to remove support for certain features, they will usually mark them as deprecated in MSDN years or at least months in advance.
Well, what it means is that Microsoft is no longer in charge of or distributing an OpenGL driver as part of the OS. They relegated this task to the vendor (nVidia/AMD/whoever). Apple still maintains the OpenGL driver and has really not made any great progress with it, so development there is still a nightmare. OpenGL in general is in a pretty sad state....and it has been for a number of years now. The spec is a moving target and much of the new functionality is wrapped in old specification. Direct3D has had a leg up in that regard for quite some time.