Elysian Shadows

Original Cave Tileset

I'll upload a complete set as soon as it's ready, I'm planning on adding stuff like water and lava rivers, crystals, bridges that can fall apart, old machinery, I'll draw some concepts first though. But before all that I'll draw the caveman.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, Internet still works on and off.

Ok. So I've moved from Cave6 to hopefully the last cave I'll draw, calling it FinalCave, here is a screenshot.

I started working on this today IIRC, and I'm getting the hang of exactly how I want my rocks, I still need to tweek the sizes of the rocks a bit, mostly a few in the foreground a bit bigger. And I wanted to install Photoshop with english for the dev videos but I couldn't find a language pack, though I think everyone can see what I'm doing and I could translate some parts.

Yesterday I was thinking up different ways to tile the walls and this is what I came up with.

Since the character height is at most 64px (unless it's a special char of course), the walls of the cave will be at least 64 obviously, so 64px given I've decided to split the tiling in two groups: upper and lower, so tiles for the lower wall won't fit (perfectly) with upper wall tiles, BUT they will fit vertically with one another. This is also due to the fact that I want pointy rocks hanging from the ceiling and will hence be shaded a bit differently (but still may very well fit together, I'm not sure yet, if they don't the loss won't be huge anyway).

Falco, what blend modes do we have for the consoles? Like Additive/Multiply, well those are the ones I remember from DX7 in Blitz3D.

I'll be back later, I'm gonna sleep over at my friends house today and pop by for a while at least.

Edit: I alsmost forgot, in addition to above mentioned upper/lower tiles there will be a set of tiles that can organically grow on the second tile layer like you can see in Final Fantasy 6. And here is the tileset for Cave6b if anyone wants to try it.

See you all later :)

Internet is back up, here's an update.

I am very pleased with the shading but I need to work on both rock size and getting everything more naturall and of course the alignment/tiling, the rockwall seen here is probably something more likely seen on an newly built house in rocks, you can also see a test on a more naturall cave wall from stale lava which is what I'm going for next. I'm starting on Cave12 after I've drawn more concept on the cave.

Here's how I plan to put in waterfalls both for water and lava, we might be able to use the same pixeldata and different palettes, I'm also putting possibillity for lakes and boiling water + splashing from objects thrown into the lake and so on.

I think once the cave tileset is done the forest tileset will be done with ease and be just as flexible. I'm probably talking ahead way too much, anyway, hope everybody had a nice weekend.



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Falco Girgis
Falco Girgis is the founder and lead software architect of the Elysian Shadows project. He was previously employed in the telecom industry before taking a chance on Kickstarter and quitting his job to live the dream. He is currently pursuing his masters in Computer Engineering with a focus on GPU architecture.