Elysian Shadows

Original Cave Tileset Continued

I'm gonna start drawing it tomorrow. I haven't had the best of days and, well, going to bed a bit earlier. Good night ;)

Edit: Thanks MDK :)

Breakthrough! It was a good thing I lost the previous caves, I tried something different and found a nicer way to shade the rocks and it's very pleasent, I have to get some sleep, but expect more tomorrow. :mrgreen:

It's moving forward quickly now, this is a few hours work only. I'm gonna finish this one, play around with it, upload it to the repo and make a new one that will be "perfect" complete with video recording.

Here's a small update on the new cave tilesheet, I put in some characters to see how it looks. The pile of rocks is 3x2 tiles.

Here's another update, just a few new tiles and starting to work on the floor tiles. I'm waiting with the ceiling tiles for now.


Quick update screenshot. I have yet to make some proper depth tiles to go with the walls and I can't wait to try this in the Engine.

Two new unique tiles for walls, I have to add some more to them but I'm pleased how it turned out for now :)

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Falco Girgis
Falco Girgis is the founder and lead software architect of the Elysian Shadows project. He was previously employed in the telecom industry before taking a chance on Kickstarter and quitting his job to live the dream. He is currently pursuing his masters in Computer Engineering with a focus on GPU architecture.