Elysian Shadows

Excuses and Broken Promises

Here it goes:

[u][b]What the fuck have I been doing?[/b][/u]

So, after sitting down with Falco and Tyler almost TWO WEEKS ago, we drafted out where we all want our pieces of the project to be. My agenda looks like this:

- Tech Post: A post here on the forums showing off the technical aspects of the editor. Towards the beginning of this topic, I did a fair job at keeping my diagrams and structure pretty straight-forward and accurate. I've fallen slightly behind, so hopefully a very technical post will help anybody browsing the Toolkit's source, as well as aid Falco for when he begins to help development with the Toolkit.

- How-To Post: Another post that I am going to need to make, and you guys should keep an eye out for over the next week. This is simply how to use the new features I am adding to the editor in as brief and concise a way as I can present it. Consider it almost a "release notes" type deal for the massive build of the Toolkit underway.

- Repository Organize: I'm going to finally re-organize the Project repository, and collapse all of the projects in the "Extra Test Projects" folder. The problem is this: each of those are their own project, whereas the entire game is only supposed to consist of one "project" containing a multitude of levels and such. Until now, however, there was no way to editor multiple LEVELS at a time (yeah, multiple AREAS, but not multiple levels). All of the back-end and code is done for editing multiple levels and such...There just literally isn't a way to "change" levels yet. Now that this addition is being taken care of, I am going to go ahead and put all levels to date in the same project. =)

- Tree + Settings:  I am adding what I call the "Project View" to the Toolkit. This is a side panel consisting of a Tree representation of all of your levels and areas you currently have. This will in the future have the added functionality of "drag n drop" for importing levels, sheets, etc...But for now, the main functionality will be to simply allow you to change projects, and levels. And when I say "settings," I'm referring to the ability to modify your actual Project, Level, and Area "settings" (such as name, with, height, sheet, etc). These are implemented via dialog and hotkeys.

- Run Engine: You'll notice that the builds in the Project repository work just fine...But if you try to build it yourself, or change the directory structure, it's fucked. So the idea is to make it scan for the engine and prompt if not found. Doesn't do this yet, and is a feature it needs. 

[u][b]What's the hold-up?[/b][/u]

1) School

2) Me douching my ass

Yeah, that's right. For one of the first times in perhaps years, I've had a rough time getting back into the swing of school. I've always been a 4.0 student, got my shit done, and let it interfere with my life the minimum...But recently, I've found it difficult to force myself to do my assignments as they were delt. Therefore, I found myself with my shit behind in school and with considerable less dev time. Fortunately, I've got this junk straightened out and am back to my devving routine I had over the summer. 

As for the ass douching...I feel that it's a blatant recoil from all of the stress I gave myself by fucking my school routine. I've spent a considerable amount of time trying to "detox and de-stress," only to find myself with even less time and [i]more [/i]stress. So, have I really gotten this taken care of? I guess there's only one way to find out: Watch my progress throughout the week--I'm confident you'll approve.  ;) 

 [u][b]What features will be in your next build?[/b][/u]

- Undo/Redo - Yes, these are very valuable features, and the earlier I get them in, the better. This is because I've got to actually wrap all of the possible events to a Q-structure of some kind that can integrate into Qt's even stack. This is actually pretty simple, but will go more smoothly once I've got the basic event framework in and running.

- Tree View - The basic functions I hope to include with the next build are this: The ability to view and swap levels, projects, areas, and the ability to see visually when your progress needs to be saved at a certain area, level, or project.

- Improved UI - You'll find new hot-keys and all kinds of buttons for all of the features. The "improved UI" may also feature a new color scheme (depending on the amount of time I have) as I find the one currently to be too blatantly white. Also, you'll find that I really like the design of Unity3d, and will strive to make the Toolbar on top more useful and all of the features more readily availble.

- Reload Sheets - [color=#FF0000]That's right. The feature is actually in...And, just because I felt it was so important, I actually went ahead and slapped a build with this feature into the Project repository. I disabled all of the other new features in this one (as they were not yet debugged fully and/or not operational)...So the build is identical to the one you've been using, except with a "File->Reload Sheet" option (ctrl-I). [/color]

- Selection View - Currently, you cannot see what tiles you've got selected. This is pretty horrible, and blatantly unprofessional. Hopefully, if time permits, i can get this taken care of in the next build. The way I handled it previously (for those of you who noticed that my older builds had this feature) was very hacked, so I simply took it out until I was able to work on multiple selection and do this correctly.

- Multiple Selection - This will feel (if I do it correctly) much like the multiple selection in my blitz editor. 

- Tile Reorganization - This feature is actually already in...Except the goddamned front end. When you save the sheets, the editor actually regenerates the .png based on what is being drawn within the toolkit on the bottom (meaning, if you were to change the order of the tiles, it would regenerate the sheets accordingly). The only problem is rigging up some front-end UI way to drag and move about the tiles. =)

Falco Girgis
Falco Girgis is the founder and lead software architect of the Elysian Shadows project. He was previously employed in the telecom industry before taking a chance on Kickstarter and quitting his job to live the dream. He is currently pursuing his masters in Computer Engineering with a focus on GPU architecture.