Our Toolkit is the primary piece of software responsible for facilitating the generation of assets and other content that comprise a game or simulation to be produced within the Elysian Shadows . The Toolkit is currently being developed by and in C/++ with the QT Framework. All rendering in the Toolkit is GPU accelerated through OpenGL. By providing various graphical interfaces for manipulating maps, terrain, entities, components, and other assets, the toolkit serves as a gateway through which artists, level designers, musicians, and writers are able to utilize the Engine to create the Elysian Shadows game. Creative team members are able to focus on their respective tasks while the Toolkit abstracts away lower-level implementation details for the engine. In addition to asset management, the Toolkit also acts as a full integrated development environment by providing designers with mechanisms for interfacing with the Engine to tweak and debug their levels and scripts as they are being created. Our toolkit is currently closed-source. This information is provided for educational purposes.
by Falco Girgis July 17, 2012 0 commentsFalco Girgis is the founder and lead software architect of the Elysian Shadows project. He was previously employed in the telecom industry before taking a chance on Kickstarter and quitting his job to live the dream. He is currently pursuing his masters in Computer Engineering with a focus on GPU architecture.