TerrainSelection and a Slight Comeback from Marcel
Originally posted by Arce (Marcel Girgis) in our Private Development forum on 6.14.11.
So, as you already know, I'd taken some serious time off the ES project in order to fail.
The last 6-8 months of my life were characterized by utter confusion. Drugs, time wasting, stupidity; all the things any self respecting human would strive to avoid. The worst part is the way I pretended like I was still an active ES member. Outch. ES has always been a source of pride an accomplishment for me...but I'd reached a state where I would genuinely try devving, only to be held back by my own lack of focus and impaired cognitive abilities. What had become the reason I awaited weekends, the activity I could feel good about regardless of my place in life, I have neglected.
I'm not here to apologize. I don't owe anybody here an apology (except myself).
What I owe you is a Toolkit. That, and the assurance that I am now in the proper state of mind to be working again. Neither of these two things can be given in text; a "omg sorry!" post isn't going to make up for the time I've been dead weight to the team. With this being said, allow me to begin with the long awaited update!
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