Basic Mass-Aggregate Physics Engine
Originally posted in our Private Development forum on 5.16.11.
So as I said, this is a standalone C library using on the minimal LibGyro2.0. The screenshots aren't very cute (bare, untextured quads), but they get the point across. While I'm developing, I'm linking a simple driver program against libKineticGyro.framework to test its functionality. Big ass screenshots below, so make sure to right click and "view image" to see the whole thing. (I don't know how to cut out the irrelevant shit on my Mac. ;) ).
So here's the first real test simulation I've been working with. You'll notice a few quads are oriented arbitrarily, and that some are bigger and smaller (for mass testing). You can't tell from the screenshot, but I'm controlling one of the smaller quads (as a player) and am pushing shit around and bumping into it: